This Is How You Become More Attractive to Women

1 year ago

A man's pride is a delicate and powerful thing. It can be an infinite source of strength or the reason for his greatest weakness. Mine is constantly tested by all the things I don't have and wish to have. Sometimes irrationally. Sometimes for good reason. But in order to become more attractive to women you have to do what's so very hard for most of us, and for some, nearly impossible: you have to strangle it. You have to kill it, burn it, and from its ashes create something new: resolve. You have to decide to become more honest with yourself about your place in the world as a man. You have to identify what things you have to offer women that could convince them to fall for you, as well as everything you lack. You have to decide on what kinds of women you want in your life. And after answering all of those questions you have to decide if it's worth it to sacrifice and struggle to become the man you want to be. Because that man is one that more women will want. But he won't be created overnight. Building him will take time.

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