Pammy and Matty Chopping Onions at Burger Haven While Chewing Gum

1 year ago

Inspired by this:

Remember this?

Well this was Pammy with Matty the first coworker to start chewing gum while chopping onions too with her.

It works really well so she decided to try it too!

It's technically against health regulations but the rule isn't enforced. It doesn't need to be anyway since they never drop the gum in the food and are very sanitary!

Keep chopping girls!

The dialog between them went this way:

Pammy: Oh hey Matty!

Matty: Morning!

Pammy: Oh so you're chewing gum too!

Matty: Yeah, got a problem with that?

Pammy: Oh not at all! In fact, I'm glad you're doing it too!

Matty: I was just messing with ya of course! But yeah since it works so well I'm trying it too! Don't have to have my eyes water anymore!

Pammy: Yeah! I didn't even know it'd worked at all I'm just always chewing gum.

Matty: Well it worked well anyway I'll say!

Pammy: Yep! Good thing the boss ain't chewing us out for doing so!

Matty: Hahaha (snort)! Good one!

Pammy: Yep! I love puns!

Matty: That you do!

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