FFXIV Endwalker MSQ 84-Her Children, One and All

1 year ago

This is another msq quest that had unfortunately needed too much editing on the original to be posted. So here it is finally on my alt.

10:15 Aitiascope Begins
15:00 Ilberd Fight
16:40 Livia Fight
Special Dead Guests
25:47 Rhitahtyn Fight
More special dead guests
36:10 Amon Fight
43:40 Cutscene
1:09:00 Mothercrystal Trial
I probably have no right calling this out lol but the Scions are not doing all the mechanics in this fight. I mean as a healer I would be bored I suppose if they did but it is funny to watch now on video. I never realized what they were actually doing while in the trust.
1:21:35 Cutscene: The rest is all story including that dream of our dear ancient friends.
Foreshadowing at its finest: Mastery over matter, form to formless...

These were the words of the original bearer: Emet-Selch is the only one who had that crystal before us since he made it for us in defiance of the convocation. When he reveals our title in his message to us, I don't remember him saying that.

This part still gets to me. Love this story.

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