The money is in the list but not in the way you th, email marketing, affiliate marketing,make money,

1 year ago

Message #2

Are You Picking the Wrong Affiliate Programs?

A lot of affiliate marketers talk a big game. They get all excited about how

much money there is to make online. They try to get you all pumped up about the potential income you could be enjoying.

The problem with this picture is that this is all potential. Show me the money.

Show me the results. And that's where a lot of affiliate marketers come out

empty handed.

How come? Well, a lot of them drop the ball because they picked the wrong affiliate program to promote. Simple as that

Here are the common ways affiliate marketers screw up affiliate program selection.

They Pick on the Best Paying Affiliate Program

If you select only the highest paying affiliate programs, chances are, you will

pick a program that is actually hard to convert. There's a reason why they pay

so well. They don't convert all that well.

With everything else being equal, you would be better off with a higher converting, lower paying program. Too many people fall for this and that's why they're not making the money they could be making.

They Just Copy and Paste Programs' Ads

If you were to just copy and paste the ready-made ads and promotional

materials of the affiliate program you're promoting, you are probably not

going to succeed. Not by a long shot. How come? Everybody else is using that


If you have potential customers keep seeing that stuff, then they really have

no incentive to click on your ads. They've seen it before. They probably have burned out. They are Picking Affiliate Programs That are Not in Your Niche

Everything you do must be targeted toward a specific audience. Everything you market online must speak to your target audience. This is called niche targeting.

If you promote offers that have nothing to do with your niche audience, don't be surprised if they don't click through. Don't be surprised if they don't buy anything. It's that basic.

Click here to avoid the common mistakes outlined above. Instead, learn how

to pick winning affiliate programs the guaranteed way.


The money is in the list but not in the way you think.

• How many times have you heard of the old saying among affiliate marketers: "The money is in the list"?

• Chances are you've heard of it quite a bit.

The reason this saying is so popular in the affiliate marketing community is because it's absolutely true.

• In other words, you will be getting the same result as the vast majority of people who put up a mailing list.

• The reason for this is because they're not doing it the right way.

• You have to understand that the key to mailing list success is relationship building.

• That's what it is.

It's a relationship.

When people sign up for your mailing list, they want a relationship with your business.

• Give them that relationship.

• How?

• Get to the root of these issues.

Make sure that your updates to your mailing list reflect the answers to these issues.

• Next, you need to get your list members emotionally invested in what you're doing.

They have to be made to feel like they matter.

They have to be made to feel that they're part of something big or something great.

• If people feel that your business is just basically going on about its business on autopilot, people are really not going to care.

They feel that it's going to succeed regardless of whether they have a role in it to play or not.

So, they just step out.

Finally, build a personal brand.


• In other words, their hopes and aspirations regarding the solution that they're looking for is tied into your personalization of your brand.

• That's how you get people emotionally


• That's how you make them feel like you're listening to them.

Keep these in mind because otherwise your list is just not going to make any money.

• The old saying of "The money is in the list" is

just going to remain exactly that for you.

• A saying.

Turn it into a reality.

Build it on the solid foundation of a brand relationships.

The money is in the list but not in the way you th, email marketing, affiliate marketing,make money,

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