C&C Generals Untitled Superweapons Showcase

1 year ago

A showcase of the superweapons added/edited in C&C Generals Untitled, a mod for C&C Generals Zero Hour that replaces some units and buildings to the C&C Generals factions, adds new UI, improves models and textures of Zero Hour units, and adds new audio and visual effects.

The list of Superweapons in alphabetical particular order of the attack name, where the superweapons are showcased and timestamped. Some of them are the same across multiple factions, so they'll only be shown once, for superweapons that have the same name but not completely the same effects and stuff, they'll be arranged based on the faction name.

The looking glass icon with the Google "G" denotes a generals power that spies on your enemies, as if you just looked up the enemy base through Google.

If you like video game mod gameplay, check out my YouTube Channel and Facebook page. I'm also on Instagram.

0:00: A-10 Missile Strike
0:13: Nuke General Advanced Nuclear Missile
0:57: Superweapon General Advanced Particle Cannon
1:42: China Artillery Barrage
1:55: Air Force Carpet Bomb
2:12: China Carpet Bom
2:29: Demolition SCUD Storm
3:08: USA Fuel Air Bomb
3:28: Laser General Particle Cannon
4:05: USA Mother of All Bombs
4:27: China Nuclear Missile
5:18: Nuke General Nuke Bomber(s)
5:38: USA Particle Cannon
6:17: GLA SCUD Storm
6:51 GLA Stealth General SCUD Storm (with beta toxin)
7:25: Demolition Terror Strike
7:42: Toxin Scud Storm

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