5 Tips for Emotional Strength: Overcoming Stress And Trauma Symptoms

1 year ago

This is a brief outline for my Online Course (available now!), in Emotional Strength and Overcoming Stress and Trauma Symptoms.

Feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and traumatized can be confusing. I want to make stress and trauma symptoms more simple to tackle. To help people get to a place of understanding and clarity, and to get to a balanced mental, emotional, and physically strong state.

These 5 tips are what really helped me clear away confusion and become grounded in understanding and strength about who I am and what I want.

1.What goes in must come out
2. Boundaries
3. Completion of fight flight, coming our of freeze
4. From Denial to Truth
5. Support


#trauma #stress #emotionalstrength #whatgoesinmustcomeout #boundaries #completionoffightflight #freeze #boundaries #denial #truth #support

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