MILITARY INTEL/HYDRO QUEBEC /The United Kingdom (Nazi Fourth Reich), via the Templars, or via the Order of the Solar Temple

1 year ago

(, prevent the commercialization of free energy technologies ( to ensure the slavery of citizens, to succeed in stealing citizens' money through unnecessary electricity bills ($12 per month electricity bill in the center of the countries Muslims), and this, through the action of preventing the energy sovereignty of citizens (monetary abundance) through the action of preventing the commercialization of free energy technologies owned by the citizen (confederation = decentralization of power (federation = centralization of power = modern slavery)) /// 100% safe, according to a police informant, many police officers are in THE ORDER OF THE SOLAR TEMPLE (Templar)

Templar Subversion Treason In High Places - Bill Cooper

The Humanists Bill Cooper

Arrogance is the Mother of Ignorance: the Exclusion Game by Dr. Sean Hross

The Grange Castle of Lafayette next to Chateau Lafite of Ghislaine Maxwell

Bill Cooper The Knights Templar, Then and Now.

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