Mantis BlackbeardX for the AR15

1 year ago

What is Mantis BlackbeardX?

It is three things: a training laser, an auto trigger reset, and a device to detect movement during the firing sequene/trigger press…a Mantis X2.

BlackbeardX is an auto-resetting dry fire training laser for the AR15. That is with each dry fire shot a laser (green or red, your choice) is emitted and the trigger is automatically reset for quick follow-up shots. No manual cycling of the action is required.

The laser and auto-resetting trigger is handled by the Mantis BlackbardX “bolt carrier group” that quickly replaces your live fire AR15 bolt carrier group and charging handle.

Mantis BlackbeardX

Mantis Training site

Appleseed Prep

0:00 What is it?
0:41 Mantis BBX BCG
1:37 Laser Academy
2:39 Auto Reset
3:10 Battery MantisX
3:42 Earn Patches
4:46 MantisX2 in Mag
5:35 Ambi Your AR15

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