2 years ago

We have been hood-winked. The cop gets paid by the corporate city name.
The police academy teaches all cops that there are "PERPS" out there and to watch your six. What we have now here in America are the very bottom of the gene pool who only have 1 purpose, income to the state so they can be paid. Unfortunately these psuedo cops feel that your family member can just be shot! ANY COP that follows his OATH would Cringe at this. Sadly 98% of cops have now become your worst nightmare. What is the solution? Proper RETRAINING, for those of the cop species, time to get it right. Us the people will come for you, Judgement Day awaits. Do the right thing. You Kill my Dog, I kill You! Comprende? Why? You just shot my son or daughter! It WILL come around. Remember that on your paid for patrols with all your new vehicles and shiny badges chasing people for your boss. Awake now or lose what You hold dear. COPS you ARE NOT above we the people. We are awaken and we now know what the badge Really means. Get it right or lose.

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