Flat Earth - Jesuits & the Global Conspiracy!

1 year ago

This video has much truth that can be gleaned from it, especially with regards to the HUGE turn this delusion took during the sixteenth century. I don't agree with everything stated, however I do recommend that everyone watch it. Lots and lots of historical data we all need to know in order to be able to piece together what is happening today with respect to answering those really common questions like, "Why would they lie about the shape of the Earth?"

The video was made by a Seventh Day Adventist ministry named, "World's Last Chance". I myself, do not hold to the belief that we are required to observe the Levitical Law of Moses, including observance of the Sabbath.

I also do not agree that Pope Francis is the antichrist. He may be the false prophet but he is certainly not the antichrist. Also, the video advocates that fallen angels and demon's (evil spirits) are the same. They are not.

For any who want Biblical proof for flat, enclosed cosmology, download this sound exegetical case in pdf: http://u.pc.cd/wQhrtalK

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