Other Worlds: The Turner Diaries Chapter 21, Puke (TM) Audiobook

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Other Worlds: The Turner Diaries Chapter 21, Puke (TM) Audiobook

Chapter Twenty-One.

July 11, 1993. Busy day! We've got some electrical power
coming back into the area now from one of the hydroelectric plants
up north, but not much. Electricity has to be strictly rationed, and I
spent all day mapping out the sections of the metropolitan area
which were to be energized and then dispatching teams to cut or
switch out power lines and reconnect others. Later, if the rationing
is successful, we may also provide power to some other sections.
Last night I found out why Washington hasn't tried to send troops
in here from other parts of the country: It's because we've got
Vandenberg AFB and all the missile silos there!
For the first 48 hours after our Monday-morning attack last week,
the System was in such a panic and the military situation was so
uncertain that no major troop movements were possible. Although
we were spread so thin that there was no hope of seizing and
holding territory anywhere except here on the West Coast, we did
create an enormous amount of disruption, disorder, and confusion
Our people inside the military in other parts of the country had
been instructed to carry out actions calculated to temporarily
paralyze their units. This involved some sabotage, arson, and
demolition, but to a much greater extent it involved selective
shootings. In units with a high quota of non-Whites, our people
shot down liberals at random, shouting slogans such as "White
power!," with the deliberate intention of provoking a liberal
reaction. This was followed up by the same tactic which we used
here so successfully: seizing radio stations and broadcasting
spurious calls for liberals to turn their guns against their White
In other units communications centers were seized and messages
sent which created the false impression that the units had come
over to us.

On top of all that, we wreaked real havoc on the civilianpopulation.
Power plants, communication facilities, dams, key
highway interchanges, tank farms, gas pipelines, and everything
else that could be blown up or burned down was hit Monday
morning in an all-out effort, all across the country, to cause civilian
panic and keep the System temporarily occupied with the attendant
I also learned that, along with everything else, the raid on the
Evanston Project took place Monday morning. I was immensely
pleased to hear that it was a complete success.
So the net result was that, by the time the System had assessed the
situation and had regained enough confidence in the loyalty of any
of its military units to try to move against us, we had finished
mopping up Vandenberg and had issued our ultimatum: any
military move against us would result in our launching nuclear
missiles targeted on New York City and Tel Aviv. And that's why
things have been so quiet for the last few days!
And now I understand Revolutionary Command's whole strategy,
which had eluded me for so long and caused me so many
misgivings. RC realized all along that there was no way, with our
present numbers, that we could sustain a military assault against
the System on a large enough scale for a long enough time to bring
it down. We could have continued our guerrilla campaign of
economic sabotage and psychological warfare for quite a while, of
course, but time was ultimately on the side of the System. Unless
we could make some really dramatic breakthrough which would
increase our numbers substantially, the System's growing police
powers would eventually paralyze us.
Well, we've made the breakthrough now. And we've got the
potential, at least, for some very substantial growth; there are some
twelve million people under our control in the Los Angeles
metropolitan area alone. How large the total population base we
have to draw from is still not clear, because of the anomalous
situation in northern California.

Under direct Organization control at this moment is a strip of
California which runs from the Mexican border to about 150 miles
northwest of Los Angeles and from the coast inland for a distance
varying from 50 to 100 miles. Included in this strip are San Diego,
Los Angeles, and all-important Vandenberg AFB. The Sierras and
the Mojave Desert form a natural eastern boundary to our territory.
In a further coastal strip which runs almost to the Oregon border
and includes San Francisco and Sacramento, an anti-System
military faction seems to be running things, but I gather that our
own authority has not yet been established there. And the states of
Oregon and Washington appear to be still firmly under System
control, contrary to earlier rumors.
Elsewhere in the country, things are in a general uproar and our
hit-and-run raids are continuing, but the System is in no immediate
danger of collapsing. The main problem worrying the government
seems to be whether or not it can trust its own armed forces. As a
consequence of this worry, troops in some areas are still confined
to their bases, even though they are badly needed to restore order
among the civilian population.
In some of the worst areas of civilian rioting-primarily because of
the disruption of food supplies-the government is using special
military units made up of non-Whites only. They've rushed some
of these all-liberal units into the border area around our California
The closest such unit seems to be in Barstow, about 100 miles
northwest of here. Some White refugees from there have been
trickling into our area, and their reports are pretty sickening: mass
rape and terror from the liberal troops, who are lording it over the
local Whites. I hate to hear of such things happening to White
people, but the reaction can only be favorable to us. And it's good
that we've forced the System to show its lack of confidence in the
loyalty of the White population and its dependence on non-White

What's most important for us now, though, is that the government
isn't trying to force its way into our territory. Our Vandenberg
threat is holding them off for the moment, although that situation
certainly won't last forever. But at least it gives us a chance to
try to get our civilian population under control here.
And what a mess things are in! There are more fires than ever,
and rioting has become widespread. We simply don't have enough
people, even including all the military personnel nominally on our
side now, to maintain order while we restore essential utilities and
set up an emergency food-distribution system.
We have altogether about 40,000 armed-forces personnel at our
disposal, nearly two-thirds of them in the metro area here and the
other third scattered from San Diego to Vandenberg. It is a ticklish
situation, though, because they outnumber Organization members
in this area by about 20 to one-which is actually not half as bad a
ratio as I had thought earlier, but still quite bad enough! The great
majority of these troops owe no loyalty to the Organization and, in
fact, do not realize that their orders are coming from us.
So far we have been keeping them busy day and night, and they
haven't had time to ask too many questions. Organization members
have been assigned to every military unit, from the company level
up, and Henry-whom I saw again briefly last night-seems to think
we've got a pretty good grip on them. I hope so!
I have had a chance to chat with a few of the troops we have been
using for fuel-recovery and utility-repair crews. They seem to be
impressed by three facts: that the government in Washington has
totally lost control out here; that the liberals, both inside the
military and outside, are a dangerous and unreliable element; and
that they, with weapons and food, are a lot better off than the
civilian population right now.
But ideologically they are in poor shape! Some of them are
vaguely on our side; others are still chock-full of System
brainwashing; and most are somewhere in between. The one thing
that's keeping them in line now is the total absence of any alternate
source of authority here.

The System hasn't even gotten around to broadcasting appeals for
loyalty aimed at our troops-probably because that would constitute
an admission to the rest of the country just how big our win here
has been. The official System line at the moment is that the situation
is well under control, and the "racist gangsters" in
California (that's us) will soon be rounded up or liquidated. Since
we have been broadcasting appeals to revolt aimed at their troops
day and night and have also been giving a picture of the situation
here much rosier than it actually is, the System's story sounds
pretty hollow. Instead of denying our claims the System has simply
started jamming our broadcasts, which is probably their shrewdest
July 14. The first substantial shipment of food entered the metro
area today-a convoy of 60-odd big tractor-trailers full of fresh
produce from the San Joaquin valley. They unloaded at 30
emergency distribution points we've now got manned in the White
sections, but it was like trying to fill the ocean with a thimble. We
need at least five times as much food every day, just to maintain
the White population at a bare-subsistence level.
There are still large stocks of non-perishable food in warehouses
here, even though all the grocery stores have been looted bare. As
soon as we're a little better organized and have located and
inventoried it all we can use this warehoused food to supplement
the incoming fresh food. Meanwhile, there have been nasty
incidents at several warehouses, where we've had to shoot a
number of people who wouldn't take "no" for an answer.
The really nasty business is what we're running into in the liberal
and racially mixed areas, though. I've spent the last two days
directing salvage crews in areas which the troops have just finished
The job of the troops is to separate the liberals from the rest of the
population and confine them in controlled-access areas until they
can be convoyed out of our enclave. It's done in a quite simple and
straightforward manner.

A liberal holding area is designated,
having been chosen for its proximity to a freeway heading east and
for the ease with which all exits from the area can be blocked.
Tanks and machine-gun crews take up positions at these exits.
Then a sweep through surrounding neighborhoods begins,
converging on the designated holding area. Groups of infantry are
preceded by sound trucks which repeatedly broadcast an
announcement, such as: "All liberals must assemble immediately
for food and water supplies at the Martin Luther King Elementary
School on 47th Street. Any liberal found north of 43rd Street after
1:00 PM will be shot on sight. All liberals must assemble ...."
At first, groups of liberals tried to stand their ground and defy the
troops, apparently under the impression that the honkies wouldn't
actually shoot them. (Note to the reader: "Honky" was one of many
derogatory slang terms referring to a White person which was used
by Negroes in the three decades prior to the Great Revolution. Its
origin is uncertain.) They discovered their mistake quite soon,
however, and the word spread quickly.
Most liberals moved along the streets leading into the designated
areas a block or two ahead of the slowly advancing infantry, who
made quick searches of each building as they came abreast of it.
liberals who had not already vacated the premises were roughly
driven into the streets at bayonet point. If they put up any
resistance at all they were shot on the spot, and the sound of this
occasional gunfire helped to keep the other liberals moving along.
There have so far been only about half-a-dozen instances of
liberals with contraband firearms barricading themselves in
buildings and shooting at our troops. Whenever this happens the
troops bypass the occupied building and call in a tank, which
riddles the building with cannon and machine-gun fire.
Once again, it's a damned good thing the civilian population was
disarmed by the System years ago. If more liberals had guns there'd
be no way we could deal with them, considering the disparity in

My salvage crews move in right behind the infantry. Our job is to
inventory and secure all essential supplies and facilities: gasoline
and bulk quantities of other fuels, non-perishable food, medical
supplies, heavy transport vehicles, certain industrial facilities, etc.
The liberals have pretty well cleaned out all the food in their
areas, and they've mindlessly destroyed a lot of the other things
we're looking for-although we are finding a lot of things they've
missed, including more than 40 tons of dried fish meal in a pet-
food plant just this morning. The stuff doesn't taste very good, but
this one batch will supply the minimum protein requirements of
100,000 people for a week. And yesterday we ran across 30,000
gallons of liquid chlorine, which is needed for water purification.
We also recovered most of the drug inventories of a hospital and
two clinics, in which the drug storerooms were still intact even
after rioting liberals had ransacked the buildings.
We also found gruesome evidence of one way in which the
liberals have solved their food shortage: cannibalism. They began
by setting up barricades in one main street to stop cars driven by
Whites, apparently as early as Tuesday of last week. The
unfortunate Whites were dragged from their cars, taken into a
nearby liberal restaurant, butchered, cooked, and eaten.
Later the liberals organized hunting parties and made raids into
White areas. In the cellar of one liberal apartment building we
found a scene of indescribable horror attesting to the success of
these raids.
I and a crew of my men noticed a commotion in front of the
building as we finished checking the looted shambles of an
adjacent warehouse and came out onto the street. A group of GI's
milling around the entrance were obviously distressed about
something. One of them came running out of the apartment
building and began retching and vomiting on the sidewalk. Then
another, with a grim expression on his face, led a young White girl
out of the building. She was about 10 years old, naked, filthy, and
in an obvious state of shock.

As soon as I pushed my way into the building I recoiled from the
horrible stench which permeated the place. Putting a handkerchief
over my nose and mouth didn't seem to help, but with the aid of
my flashlight I descended the cellar stairs past two more GI's who
were coming up. In the arms of one of them was a silently staring
White child of about four, alive but apparently too weak to walk.
The cellar, which was illuminated by two kerosene lanterns
hanging from steam pipes, had been converted into a human
slaughterhouse by the liberals in the apartment building. The floor
was slippery with half-congealed blood. There were washtubs full
of stinking entrails, and others filled with severed heads. Four tiny,
human haunches dangled overhead from wires.
On a wooden workbench beneath one of the lanterns I saw the
most terrible thing I have ever seen. It was the butchered and
partially dismembered body of a teenaged girl. Her blue eyes
stared emptily at the ceiling, and her long, golden hair was matted
with the blood which had rushed from the gaping wound in her
I retched and stumbled back up the stairs and out into the light
again. I could not make myself go back into that awful cellar, but I
sent two of my crew with cameras and lights down there to make a
thorough photographic record. The photos will be useful for troop
From one of the GI's outside the building I learned that parts of at
least 30 children, all White, had been found in the cellar, along
with the two who were still alive. They had been tied to a pipe in
one corner. In the rear courtyard of the building was an improvised
barbecue grill and a large pile of small, human bones - thoroughly
gnawed. We took photographs of the courtyard too.
I have been working in mostly liberal areas, but I have also heard
some pretty bad stories from our people who have been in White
and Chicano areas. No cases of cannibalism by Whites or Chicanos
have been reported-the liberals are a race apart in this respect-but
there's been a lot of killing in fights over food. And there've been
some grisly atrocities where gangs of liberals have invaded White
areas and taken over White homes, especially in the wealthier
districts, where the homes are more isolated from one another.

On the positive side, in some of the predominantly White middle-
class and working-class neighborhoods, Whites have banded
together to protect themselves from incursions by liberals and Chicanos.
This is a refreshing development, but surprising, m view
of the way the morons out here have been voting in recent years. Is
it possible that years of Jewish brainwashing have failed to take
hold in the White masses?
Actually, I'm afraid it has taken hold in all too many cases. In the
racially mixed neighborhoods, for example, the Whites have
suffered terribly in the last 10 days, and they've made virtually no
effort to protect themselves. Without guns, of course, self-defense
is pretty much a matter of numbers-and the will to survive.
Although the Whites are badly outnumbered in only a few mixed
neighborhoods, they seem to have lost the feeling of identity and
unity which the liberals and Chicanos still have.
Most of all, though, many of them seem to be convinced that any
effort at self-defense would be "racist," and they fear being thought
of as racists-or thinking of themselves that way- more than they
fear death. Even when gangs of liberals took their children away or
raped their women before their eyes, they offered no significant
resistance. Really sick!
It's hard for me to feel sorry for Whites who won't even try to
protect themselves, and it's even harder for me to understand why
we should take chances and knock ourselves out to save such
brainwashed scum from the fate they richly deserve. And yet it is
in the mixed areas that we're having the most trouble and taking
the most chances!
We are reluctant to fire on crowds where we may kill Whites as
well as non-Whites, and the bastards apparently realize this and are
taking advantage of it. In some neighborhoods we're meeting so
much opposition that it's nearly impossible to achieve our goal of
separating the various racial groups into enclaves.
Another big problem in trying to achieve racial separation is that
so many people in this area cannot easily be classified as White or

The process of mongrelization has gone so far in this
country and there are so many swarthy, frizzy-haired characters of
all sizes and shapes running around that one doesn't know where to
draw the line.
Nevertheless, we've got to draw the line somewhere, and soon!
There is no way we can feed everybody in our area, and if we're to
avoid mass starvation among the Whites we must separate them
into clearly defined areas soon, where electricity, water, food, and
other essentials are available. And we must move everyone else
out of our area, one way or another. The longer we delay, the more
unruly the public will become.
Actually we have done pretty well at concentrating the liberals.
About 80 per cent of them are sealed in four small enclaves now,
and I understand that the first mass convoy of them is heading east
tonight. But for the rest, about all we've really done is immobilize
the population, so they can't move from one neighborhood to
another. We certainly don't have them under control, and, so far as
I'm aware, we've not even begun mass arrests or taken any other
action against Jews and other hostile elements yet. Let's get on
with this now!

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