7 Rules: Firearm Modifications

1 year ago

This is part 2 of a two part series. See part 1 for how we got here:

How will Prosecutors use Firearm Modifications against you?

Let's be clear: modifying your gun does not change whether you had a "good shoot" or not. But it WILL absolutely impact your case in the courtroom that could leave you painfully regretting your decision to modify.

In the first video we examined the cost that prosecutors will create against you when you modify your carry firearm. In part two, we see the attorney SEVEN RULES of firearm and trigger modifications.

We have also all heard that if you modify your trigger in your defensive firearm, or even nearly anything on your firearm, that prosecutors can use this against you: 100% true. But how will this actually happen and look? If you are going to modify your firearm then you need to know how this could hurt you in court. Otherwise it is like agreeing to buy something (installing the upgrade) without really knowing what the cost is (how it will all work out AFTER the shoot).

Don't be THAT GUY who stumbles into a dark unknown room without a flashlight: that's what you are doing when you make potentially legally impactful decisions that could mean the difference between prison and being free. Know the hidden costs and how everything might look.

Remember: it may not be fair. No one said life is fair. But you DO need to know what this will all look like when the smoke clears.

Check out our videos on:
How Jury Selection Works in Self-Defense Cases: https://youtu.be/_sE_RLVXBQg
Winning the race to 911 after a defensive gun use: https://youtu.be/ZAzIGRNyQ9o
How to handle the 911 operators after a defensive gun use: https://youtu.be/g2pu4BTg-lc

Legal Disclaimer: nothing in this video is offered as legal advice or a formation of attorney-client relationship. Be an adult. If you want an attorney, contact one near where you are and stop trying to blame the internet and other people for your problems.

Link to attorney Tom Grieve's brief bio

#concealcarry #gunlaw #2ndamendment

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