1921 Pea Porridge

11 months ago

Pea Porridge
Mrs. Scotts Seasonal Cook Book
1 pint shelled new peas
1 pint raw diced potatoes
1 tbs grated onion
1 tbs oleomargarine
1 tbs flour
1 tsp salt
A little pepper
2 tbs chopped parsley or 1 tbs chopped fresh mint or scallion top
2 cups milk
Put the peas and potatoes on in 4 cups water; boil 30 minutes, add seasoning, milk, flour and oleomargarine rubbed together until smooth. Boil 5 minutes then add parsley, mint or scallion. This is a thick porridge.
Did we eat it: Yes
Would I make it again: Yes.
Note: I used broth instead of water and dried mint and scallions.

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