62 of 63 - Water Additives - Flouride and Chlorine - Health Challenges Autistic Children Experience

1 year ago

Use coupon code DETOX50R to get 50% off my Detox Workshop: https://members.christianyordanov.com/detox-workshop

With more than 9 hours of educational content, you will learn:

- Why reducing your toxic exposures is critical in today's world (the toxin connection to disease and ill-health)
- How to reduce your family's exposures from your indoor air, water, food, and the products you use in the home
- What kind of diet best supports your body's detoxification system
- Which supplements you can use to support detoxification and long-term health
- Other modalities you can use to enhance toxin excretion (including accumulated body burden of toxic chemicals and metals)

Children's health consulting: https://christianyordanov.com/childrens-health-consulting/

Autism and Children's Health podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/autism-and-childrens-health-lab-testing-diet/id1512380225?uo=4

Links to my book Autism Wellbeing Plan: How to Get Your Child Healthy:

US Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Autism-Wellbeing-Plan-Child-Healthy/dp/1916393004
UK Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Autism-Wellbeing-Plan-Child-Healthy-ebook/dp/B084GBBDL9

Get 3 FREE video courses instantly when you sign up to my members' community here: https://members.christianyordanov.com/

The courses are:

- The Healthy Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet for Autism. ADHD, and Gut Dysfunction
- Nutrient Supplements for Autism, ADHD, and Children's Health
- Health Challenges Autistic Children Experience

You will learn a ton and there will be more educational content for parents on the free member plan. Members can also suggest topics for me to research and publish in the community platform. Join us today: https://members.christianyordanov.com/

The above 3 courses cover topics such as gut dysfunction and infections, clostridia bacteria, Candida, oxalates, methylation, excitotoxicity, zinc / copper imbalance, going gluten-free and how to do it well, heavy metals and chemical toxicity, probiotic supplementation, mitochondrial dysfunction, immune system dysregulation, neuroinflammation, and much much more. I even show you how to select high-quality supplements and avoid the junk and hype - with real examples and analysis of ingredients on screen...

Every parent of an autistic child must know this information that is why I want to share it with you for free. And parents with kids that have an any health complaint will also learn a ton. In fact, every parent will learn a lot of value information from each of these courses - so please help me share this information with more parents! Thank you so much.

Website: https://christianyordanov.com/

DISCLAIMER: This video is an educational resource. It is not to be construed in any way as medical or nutritional advice or training. Always ask your doctor about taking any health-related measures and never ignore professional medical advice on the basis of anything contained herein.

All the information in this video is intended to be used under the care of your healthcare practitioner/s and is not to be considered as a prescription for medical or nutritional therapy for anyone. The viewer/reader and their healthcare professional are responsible for evaluating and weighing the risks involved in any of the modalities and interventions discussed in this video.

I am a functional health coach, not a physician, and this is not to be interpreted as medical advice. Please talk to a licensed medical professional or your healthcare provider before you seek to implement any of the information discussed in this video. Although care has been taken to source information from credible sources, no responsibility shall be carried for errors, inaccuracies, omissions.

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