New Supportive Relationships and Joyous Fun await you in this new cosmic cycle !

1 year ago

#ascension #manifestation #empowerment #power #loa small pep talk to just allow yourself to express whenever you feel like it and empower yourself ~ JUST BE TRUE TO YOU. Let any outside 'glitches' in the hologram dissipate and they will fade into the background or disappear completely...
If you are linked to me in some way, either through friendship (past, present or future) or the discovery of this channel, then we are assisting each other in this process of embodying our unique wisdom while sharing it with the collective ~ UNIFIED LOVING BEINGS WITHIN THE DIVERSITY, WE RISE IN OUR DIVINE BIRTHRIGHT TO CLAIM OUR SOVEREIGNTY!
Take great care as more photonic light keeps streaming in daily now, the old programming and patterns of beliefs must GO... bye bye....

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