Wokeness: The new religion, Would you accept it?

1 year ago

A relatively small but seemingly well funded vocal minority espousing woke beliefs has managed to attract international attention to their causes, in some cases ending the careers of those who violate their rules in other cases through national legalisation particularly in the West. As described by Wikipedia, “woke” is an English adjective meaning “alert to racial prejudice and discrimination” that originated in African-American Vernacular English. By the second decade of this century, wokeness had come to be associated with a broader gamut of causes, in particular the identity and rights of a range of different groups seeking social acceptance and recognition, such as gays, transgender communities, and women.The woke movement, while presenting itself as the voice of modern leftist progressivism, has supported legal measures to restrict certain categories of speech and political measures to penalize those who do not use the sort of language favored by woke activists. This brings the woke movement into direct conflict with traditional ideals of modern liberalism, most notably toleration and freedom of speech. Has Wokeness become the weaponization of the postmodern theory? Does the liberal intelligentsia self-flagellates itself and cowers to the absurd demands of Wokeism’s aggressive thinking? The collateral damage has been the demolition of whatever remains of a former moral structure that once upheld universal human and spiritual values.

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