Understand the Bible - From a Workman Approved unto God by His Grace

1 year ago

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All scripture from King James Bible

Freely I have received, Freely I give as a Servant of our beloved Savior, Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen! Maranatha!

This study is written directly to and expressly to the Saints.
I pray the reader and listener find this to be a valuable study to help improve Bible Study.

If by chance you are reading this and do not know Jesus Christ as your Savior. I pray you know him by believing Jesus Christ died for us according to the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he rose again on the third day according to the scriptures. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Amen!

From a Workman Approved unto God by His Grace. I as all in the Body of Christ am a "work in progress" we know as in working out our salvation in the sanctification process.

Philippians 2:12-18

Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

Do all things without murmurings and disputings:

That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;

Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.

For the same cause also do ye joy, and rejoice with me.

We all see through a glass darkly. 1Corinthians 13:12: “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”

Do any of us now have a measure of the excellency of our soon coming glorified body? Not even close, yet we press on in our pilgrimage fighting the good fight in daily awe of His grace bestowed upon us. Amen!

I strongly encourage you to carefully and prayerfully study this with your King James Bible. Any errors of perhaps misunderstandings or clarification or questions please email me and let's discuss:


Foundational doctrines in scripture that are essential, absolutes. See Note 1 commentary below.

My credentials and experience: Like you, anytime I open a Bible Study Website, or Blog I immediately look for the person's credentials and experience. Their testimony is also wonderful to add validity.

I am NOT a Bible Scholar, but a layman, a saved Christian, a former firstling of an ass, redeemed by my Kinsman Redeemer. Jesus Christ.

See Come Meet My Kinsman Redeemer

Come Meet my Kinsman Redeemer (thethirdheaventraveler.com)

Although saved at an early age and spending most of my lifetime as a Bible student, reading and studying the Bible mostly King James Bible, I didn't dedicate my life to the Lord until December 3, 2005, and since 2012 been convinced that the King James Only is the only FINAL AUTHORITY to understand and operate in God's word. See my multiple documented proofs. As you can see my testimony attached and my experience of coming out of over 50 years of going to church, needless to say, I've heard countless sermons and have studied literally hundreds upon hundreds of YouTube videos and online courses. My sincere prayer is that there are some of you this helps. To God be the Glory Forever. Amen! Maranatha!

Retired US Naval Officer 3100 designator, Supply Corps, Submarine Warfare, Cryptology, Language Interpreter and Translator. Licensed Teacher, Spanish, Certified Instructor English as a Second Language. Over 30 years teaching English and Spanish.
Education: BA Economics and Spanish, Inter-American University of Puerto Rico; Graduate of Defense Language Institute. Successfully completed 2 of 6-week Cambridge University ELS certification - before they showed me the "front door exit" after foolishly telling my University of Cambridge tutor the British Empire was irrelevant when he failed my practical exam. Received American TESL certification.
My basic, working knowledge of modern and ancient biblical Greek is all self-taught and would classify myself as a novice but feel comfortable with most aspects of Greek grammar. My knowledge of Hebrew is also self-taught although extremely limited, thereby relying heavily on tutorials when needed. I feel comfortable in using both Bible Greek and Hebrew Lexicons and Concordances.

I do not trust 95.5 % of Bible Scholars, Theologians, Pastors, and Bible Teachers. Even the remaining 4.5 % I trust; I thoroughly check all their teaching with my KJB. If this repulses you or offends you, (John 6:61-63) then please stop reading here, this material is not for you. Bye! Depart here and enjoy your day. Go back to the dead and bury them. Let the dead bury the dead. Bye! Luke 9:60.

If you are not offended, please keep reading.

Defining trust. Of course, we must be good Bereans and check every single word another says regarding scripture. I'm confident you will take everything I teach here and test it, check it with the King James Bible. Check everything you read or hear. Verify Everything! Amen! None of us has 100% correct 100% of the time. There are also many scriptures we just won't be able to fully comprehend until we're with Jesus Christ.

What I am saying regarding Bible scholars and theologians and teachers, pastors is I do not trust them to their CORE. This is not based upon prejudicial judgement on mistakes they make. God Forbid! Certainly, there's a part of what each teaches is biblical and even good teaching, however the core and serious parts of what they teach is completely apostate. Of course, this stems from the fallen state of our theological seminaries. If this is news to you, I have to say you need to wake up.

I do not speak without authority here. I had a front row seat to watching my son go through FULLER Theological Seminary to get his Master's of Divinity. In his first year he'd call me and read from some of his text books. We were shocked by the heretical philosophical garbage. Of course, the preferred bible was the NASB. I pleaded with him to get out, but because these apostate 501C3 Building operations require a degree from an accredited theological institution in order to pastor a church, my son stayed. The results were needless to say devastating.

My Christian Biography and Testimony

My Testimony of God's Amazing Grace (thethirdheaventraveler.com)

I Don't Go To Church (thethirdheaventraveler.com)

The entire purpose of this Blog is twofold.

1. First to teach you not to be intimidated by so called Self-Appointed Prophets, Scholars, PhD's. Preachers, Pastors, Priests, and their kind BUT rather study your KJB and understand God's word, written in scripture, allowing you to be "profitable" (gain your rewards and establishing your role in ruling with Christ Jesus as ambassadors in this realm and literally in the age to come) in doctrine for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness. Amen! 2 Timothy 3:16.

The Ploughboy who Studies his KING JAMES BIBLE (thethirdheaventraveler.com)

Saint, know your role as Ambassadors of Jesus Christ.

Saint know your Authority and Responsibility as an Ambassador for Jesus Christ (thethirdheaventraveler.com)

2. To teach you how to study and understand the King James Bible which is the FINAL AUTHORITY with simply steps you can understand and learn to perfect with practice. As an athlete develops strength and skill you as a soldier for Christ Jesus will increase in your skills wielding the sword of the spirit which is the WORD of God Ephesians 6:17. KJB. You will grow and increase in the knowledge of God and in Wisdom and Spiritual understanding Colossians 1:9,10, and gain your crowns and establish your position in ruling with Christ. 2 Timothy 2:8. To not be beguiled by false teachers telling you that you must speak Greek or Hebrew to know, truly understand God's word. To show that we have the King James Bible translated by the greatest minds and God fearing men. See my notes on the King James Bible.


My extensive conversations with Dr. John Hinton, M.T.T. Harvard University, Rhodes Scholar, linguist, who is a Christian and fierce defender of the King James Bible has confirmed what I had been sure of through my research that Greek and Hebrew along with their false teachers are fare inferior to the capability of our King James ENGLISH Bible to understand God's word. The use of Hebrew and Greek are good supplemental resources IF needed to reinforce the KJB. Seeking after godless philosophical knowledge through so called Hebrew and Greak Scholars and experts is in Dr. Hinton's word's: same as, quote: "...climbing up the tree of knowledge of good and evil of fallen men to seek wisdom and truth and they miss the real meat in spiritual truths found in the tree of life in the Lord Jesus Christ – the fountain of life." And, "All scholars and linguistic experts are of no consequence and relevance as far as learning from the Holy Scriptures is concerned. Unfortunately, many have mistaken scholars or linguistic experts as the Holy Spirit! They are going after the wrong source for spiritual truths." Read further:

Publications Lovest Thou Me? – King James Bible Believers Website (kjv-asia.com)

As Dr. Hinton points out we must read and study God's word horizontally with scripture with scripture allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us into all through. I by God's grace will show you how the Lord has led me over the years to study His word. However, each of you must find your method as God leads you personally. Amen!

Ridiculous KJV Bible Corrections - John 3:16, Only Begotten (av1611.com)

Examples of why the King James Bible.

Note: I'm very much looking forward to Dr. Hinton's new article that is solely devoted to Why English? Regarding the Word of God.

To read more of Dr. Hinton's work defending the King James Bible please see link and article related to understanding Scripture using English in NOTE 1 below.

Authorized Version Defence – King James Bible Believers Website (kjv-asia.com)

Our knowledge of God's word literally determines out position in Christ regarding our INHERITENCE and REWARDS

The Essential Necessity of Understanding the BEMA - Our Crowns - Our Rule with Christ (thethirdheaventraveler.com)

2 Timothy 2:15: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman
that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

To be a Good Soldier for Jesus We have to Know our Authority and Responsibility in order to Strive Lawfully (thethirdheaventraveler.com)

Why would God use the words, "a workman approved?" We are ambassadors - servants - laboring for Christ as he places each of us in this world for his glory and eternal purpose.

2 Timothy 2:8. Without knowledge of his word rightly divided we are striving UNLAWFULLY. Detailed in Link above.

As we know, God requires, commands us to STUDY His word to be approved as his servant in carrying out our job our mission as His ambassadors. But what is the meaning of study? Many simply believe study means to read something and understand the material to their own base understanding that can often be a primary understanding perhaps going all the back to a Sunday school class from childhood. See the dangers of the "anchoring effect" "self-herding" analysis. Note 2.

So, we must STUDY.

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