Joel Rosenberg wants us to Read the book of Esther; The Irony is unfathomable.

1 year ago

Joel Rosenberg wants us to Read the book of Esther; The Irony is unfathomable.
March 07, 2023

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Joel Rosenberg wants us to Read the book of Esther; The Irony is unfathomable.

incapable of being fully explored or understood:
He writes in his article today:

As Jews celebrate ‘Purim’ this week, would you read the Book of Esther and ask God to again save Israel from Persian ‘annihilation’?

Pastors, would you preach on Esther, Mordechai and Haman this week? It’s a Bible story as relevant as today’s headlines

As Jews celebrate ‘Purim’ this week, would you read the Book of Esther and ask God to again save Israel from Persian ‘annihilation’? | All Israel News

As Jews celebrate ‘Purim’ this week, would you read the Book of Esther and ask God to again save Israel from Persian ‘annihilation’?

Joel Rosenberg is at it again. Making another plea to feeble minded, non-King James Bible reading Evangelical Zionists who need to be spoon fed more leaven.

Remember when he told Evangelical Christians to pray for the PEACE and SECURITY for Israel while pushing the Abrahamic PEACE Accords?

See links in notes below. Following notes I have Joel's full article that needs to be discussed. I have taken Joel up on his request and this needs to be seriously discussed.

I have read the fascinating, powerful book of Esther several times. It happened precisely as written in history and the Jewish people were saved from complete annihilation for sure. If you pay particular attention to the Links in notes below you will read about the truth and what awaits Israel and why. If you note that the link regarding the bloodlines from the Nephilim - Nimrod - Herodian - Pharisaical show that God will bring Israel into the time of Jacob's Trouble to bring out the true Remnant of believers who will only be 1/3 of the Jews.

This is what I pray for. Iran will not annihilate Israel before the Rapture of the Church. All HELL literally will break out after the Rapture during WW 3 = The Red Horse of the Apocalypse, The Second SEAL Judgment after the Antichrist has been revealed, the White Horse, First SEAL Judgment.

The next 3 big wars involving Israel will be the Psalm 83 War against Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon. For some strange reason Persia (Iran) is not included, but if you research Iran's proxy Hezbollah most likely is. And NO Psalm 83 was NOT fulfilled in the 6 day war of 1967. Read links below.

This war will NOT happen before the Rapture as many false teachers squawk.

Obviously since Israel has a current alliance with Saudia Arabi and Iran is not mentioned, this war is NOT imminent before the Rapture but will culminate later during the Tribulation.

The Isaiah 17 prophecy and the Ezekiel 38 and 39 wars (yes 2 separate wars NOT the same) will happen after the Tribulation and Millennial Reign. See link:

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