Delta Frequency Meditation Healing Low Frequency -0-4HZ - 1HR.

1 year ago

Delta Brain Waves: 0 Hz to 4 Hz
Delta brain waves oscillate between 0 Hz and 4 Hz (cycles per second) and are regarded as the slowest brain waves that humans can produce. They are typically produced during the deep stages of sleep (stage 3 and stage 4) and are involved in regulating unconscious bodily processes such as heart beat regulation, kidney functioning, and digestive functioning.

It is thought to help the body with healing and is thought to release various hormones including human growth hormone (HGH) at various frequencies. There are many benefits associated with having optimal delta wave functioning. These include: getting a better night’s sleep, boosted immune system functioning, as well as increased empathy.

Delta waves are typically generated in the right hemisphere of the brain and are linked to our subconscious and unconscious processes. Younger kids tend to have more delta activity and as we age delta activity becomes increasingly sparse – even during sleep. While you are in a delta state of functioning, you have no conscious awareness.

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