When Humans Become gods According To Noah

1 year ago

This video ends before I wanted it to but after the 3rd attempt recording it and increasing and ongoing problems to use free apps, I am just working with what I have. Time is flying very fast for me and more so since I was led to pray and fast twice per week since June 2021 so my time is very limited and tribulation for my faith in Jesus is ongoing; it is not something you see and watch, it is physical suffering for ones faith in Jesus that leads to death. Street preaching is far easier than doing videos and editing videos but suffering tribulation takes a toll on the body and it is easier to lay in bed and do a video, whilst waiting to go home.

If you do not understand spiritual warfare the scriptures below might have you agreeing with the quote you see from Noah. There is a way that seems right to a man but the end for that man is destruction.

Psalms 82:6 KJV Bible
“I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.”

John 10:34 KJV Bible
“Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?”

Understand that satan's children study and spend more time to be wicked and how to deceive than God's children study to be led by God's Spirit. It is why the devil ends up with one world religion and the Antichrist being worshipped as God by all the divided houses of God uniting in the name of peace and safety. In other words, everyone unites because of the devil's ability to control people using the spirit of fear; wanting to save their lives and create heaven on earth.

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