30 Last Seed 3E433 | Wayshrine of Stendarr | A Day in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

1 year ago

Turdas, 30th Last Seed, 3E 433
Wayshrine of Stendarr, Heartlands
Weather: Cloudy (38EF0, 40%) to Clear (38EEE, 35%)
Player Level: 1 (4/10 to next level up)
Turned on Spell Tomes (DLCSpellTomes.esp)

Upon adding the Spell Tomes plugin a Conjurer is spawned at Fort Cedrian, Nibenay Basin
By default he uses DLCSpellTomesFindPlayer Find AI Package to go to the player.
To avoid him messing up the shot I did the following:
- Updated DLCSpellTomesFindPlayer from Find to Accompany and increased range to 8,000
- Added GoToMarker Wander Package and placed a Marker at the Wayshrine.
- Updated the Factions of Slaughterfish to stop the Conjurer getting into fights with ones in the water :/

0:00:00 12.00 am
0:08:00 4:00 am
0:16:00 8.00 am
0:24:00 12.00 pm
0:32:00 4:00 pm
0:40:00 8:00 pm

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