Central,Ave. city Cohoes 📝📋 few residents ask! me come back on weekend walk Main Street late

1 year ago

Central,Ave. city Cohoes signatures 📝📋 few residents ask! me come back on weekend walk Main Street late afternoon today Saturday on way back old 👵🏻 cranky women with old dog refuses give me signature After discuse two issues 🌆 city Cohoes https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NNFUrUT339U 🚂💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣 Hudson River at Risk: Bomb Trains on the Hudson https://legislativegazette.com/cohoes-incinerator-found-to-be-burning-toxic-chemicals-polluting-nearby-areas/ last signature ask! From young man himself told was planning run 3rd ward made decision no get involved mostly could find time walk get signatures could have 3 residents 3rd ward pick up signatures both spoke about 15 minutes

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