My invention idea.

2 years ago

Hey #moms #dads and #kids, This is my cardboard prototype invention of my Junior #Volunteer #Firefighter #AlertPager. Would you like to see this #toy become reality? I am inventor Roger Lown. #mom #dad #kidstoys

This is what my toy invention would do when electronics is added for sound:
On/ Off Button.
Call button. When pressed, fire tones, beeper sounds, and a dispatcher voice: “Attention all Junior Volunteer Firefighters report to your fire station for a fire alarm at ABC company on the corner of Main Street and First Street, time is 4:15 pm, Dispatch clear.

There will also be a Random Call selection, where the toy pager will sound off at random for calls.

Mom, dad, kids would you like to see my toy invention prototype become a reality? Share this video with other parents and families.

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