Improve English with Audiobooks: 1984 chapter 1 page 6 (A): explore new grammar and vocabulary

1 year ago

In this Episode, we explore page 6 of 1984 by George Orwell.
First we read the entire paragraph ( The text of the paragraph is in the description)
The we make sentence and comprehension questions based on the information in the paragraph.
This is a unique way to improve your English speaking, A great and effective way to improve your English listening comprehension and you improve English pronunciation.

Here is a link to an “even though” exercise which you might find useful since we use “even though' during the practice exercise part of the tutorial.
Even though

Winston kept his back turned to the telescreen. It was safer, though, as he well knew, even a back can be revealing. A kilometre away the Ministry of Truth, his place of work, towered vast and white above the grimy landscape. This, he thought with a sort of vague distaste—this was London,
chief city of Airstrip One, itself the third most populous of the provinces of Oceania. He tried to squeeze out some childhood memory that should tell him whether London had always been quite like this. Were there always these vis- tas of rotting nineteenth-century houses, their sides shored up with baulks of timber, their windows patched with card- board and their roofs with corrugated iron, their crazy
garden walls sagging in all directions? And the bombed sites where the plaster dust swirled in the air and the wil- low-herb straggled over the heaps of rubble; and the places where the bombs had cleared a larger patch and there had sprung up sordid colonies of wooden dwellings like chick- en-houses? But it was no use, he could not remember:

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