How do men feel about the men will flock anything that moves stereotype? #men #masculinity #mgtow

1 year ago

How do men feel about the men will flock anything that moves stereotype?
I know there’s a lot of guys who fit the stereotype but I’m not one of them and cannot relate.
Every woman i flock moves. To a new state.
Ive been in a few bands...lead singers fit this stereotype
Honestly I can't believe it. It's such an offensive but more importantly inaccurate stereotype; I also flock things that don't move
Whoever thinks that hasn't seen r/dontputyourdickinthat because that's men showing restraint.
Men are still plenty selective about who they wanna tango with, they're just a bit more outspoken about their desire overall.
Real talk. I want headpats, hugs, and kisses on the forehead and cheeks more than sex. I want affection not erection for heaven's sake.
I would flock that statement if I could.
So speaking as a bi dude, for me this is two fold. I don’t -want- to flock everything that moves but if you asked me who would you „be able to“ flock in theory if they were willing and based purely off looks I’d say a solid 85% of people between 25 and ~55 meet that criterium for me. That is to say, if they approached me it wouldn’t be a no off the bat.
I just want someone to talk to honestly
Well....if it quacks like a duck, I'm gonna flock it
Thats why during a robbery they yell "Nobody move". You have to remain focused
I keep hiring this and been around some desperate men and still haven’t flocked me
Around here we just flock anything that moos.
Blame Zeus
I used to know a guy who acted like his balls were going to fall off if he went five days without getting any, so he slept with some rough looking women. I remember him defending one saying “She’s not missing *that* many teeth.”
this is ridiculous. men flock plenty of things that dont move.
It’s dehumanizing and demoralizing as flock. Please, if you want good treatment for yourself, treat other the same.
I think it’s a bullshit stereotype, and not all men will flock anything that moves. If anything else, most guys will want a connection with someone before intimacy. But that’s not what we see on TV.
Some dudes are like that...most arent
As a woman who works in a very male dominant workplace, I don’t buy into it. Definitely true for some men, but also definitely not all. The same could be said about some women too though.
I love lamp
I find it offensive because I'm not that type of man. I think straight & bi women should also find that stereotype offensive because it also implies the men they have relationships with don't have standards either.
It's true about more of my fellow men than I'd like.
There is a whole movie franchise about a young man flocking a pie.
I’ve created fake dating profiles as women, and I must say that the stereotype has merit.
Well, obviously I wouldn’t flock anything that moves. But everything I’ve flocked, moves, so there’s that.
It's stupid. I want sex, but I also want it with someone I genuinely care about. I have met very few men who act like a cat calling prick.
I've had 3 relationships end solely because I don't like sex as a guy. Person I get with gets addicted because happy chemicals from it and I just don't enjoy it so people have left me for other people just because I didn't want to do it enough.
Its insulting and only applies to some men, like most stereotypes, but I have definitely known men like that.
It's a generalization and I kind of take offense to it.
I'm not sensitive that stereotype doesn't bother me, anyone's opinion on me is their opinion that's that.
It hurts women because male rapists are excused from responsibility because they can't possibly control their urges. It hurts men when they are raped, because it's assumed that men can't be raped because they "always want it."
As a guy who ended a relationship because I couldn't keep up with my girlfriend's sexual appetite, I resent it. But as a guy who was once asked "If you don't believe in God then what stops you from raping all the fine ass bitches you see?" I understand why it exists. A lot of guys are legitimately like that.

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