Sickness and Soul Damage: Keeping Your Soul Healthy

1 year ago

How do you live in victory after your soul has been healed? It's important to draw up a plan and set priorities. Abraham became a visionary after he was called by God to leave his homeland and go to a country which God had prepared for him. Abraham knew that the promised land of Canaan was only a temporary place; it was a shadow of the final country, which would be his eternal home.

Abraham was a rich man but he realized that he was only a pilgrim in search of a city whose maker was God. Are you living on this earth as Abraham did? When you leave this earth, will you be able to say that you used your talents to the maximum potential? Do you know that your house, car and all your possessions will be left behind? None of your belongings will be transported into eternity when your body dies.

Only what you have invested in the Kingdom of God will follow you into eternity. Are you looking for that heavenly city and investing in eternal values? Not every believer in Christ is called by God to serve full time in ministry but we are called to follow the commands of Jesus and be an active Christian. Your time on earth is only for a short season. Are you serving the Lord with your talents and investing in eternity?
Sermon Outline:

RLJ-1458 -- AUGUST 24, 2014
Sickness and Soul Damage Part 10: Keeping Your Soul Healthy
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