The Week According To . . . Dr Niall McCrae

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More straight talking as Dr Niall McCrae returns to Hearts of Oak for an hour of news driven chat and discussion, giving his unbridled opinions on some of the top stories bouncing around this week on the web, in the papers and on social media.
Topics and articles going under the microscope this week are...
- Hate not Hope release their most recent report 'Rhetoric, Racism and Resentment' including Hearts of Oak amongst others.
- Lineker Tweets: Presenters revolt for overpaid, jug eared BBC propaganda tool.
- China Announces lockdown plans for the flu as Washington Post tells Americans to prepare for the same.
- Russell Brand and how the left will eat themselves.
- Corporate consumerism: Making us more dependent and less resilient while 'verging on extortion.'
- The BBC (Biased Broadcasting Caliphate) welcome all the haters and conspiracy theorists back to Twitter.
- ULEZ London: Cameras vandalised amid backlash against expansion.
- Civil War at the New York Times! Older, liberal veterans Vs the younger, woke staff over the papers coverage of the trans issue.
- Silent Prayer: Pro-life advocate arrested again for ‘thoughtcrime’ near abortion clinic.
- Matt Hancock, COVID strains and 'frightening the pants' off the public.
- Telegraph Misrepresents Ofcom Ruling Against Mark Steyn.

Dr Niall McCrae is an officer for ‘Covid coercion in the workplace’ for the Workers of England trade union, the only union standing up for workers' rights and freedoms in the UK during these troubled times.
From 2010 to 2021 he was a senior lecturer in mental health at King’s College London, and he continues to write on mental health matters.
He was also a senior researcher for David Kurten and Peter Whittle on the London Assembly.
His publications include several books including ‘Moralitis: a Cultural Virus’ (with Robert Oulds), ‘The Moon and Madness’, ‘Echoes from the Corridors’ (with Peter Nolan) and ‘The Year of the Bat’ (with MLR Smith).
He is a regular contributor to Unity News Network, Gateway Pundit, Lockdown Sceptics, The Salisbury Review and The Light.

Follow Niall on Gab @Dr_Niall_McCrae

Originally broadcast live 11.3.23

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Links to this episodes talking points...
Hate not Hope
Russell Brand
See you Soon
New York Times
Silent prayer
Mark Steyn

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