China's Bio-weapons?!? READ the Description FIRST, Watch the video, then YOU decide~!!

1 year ago

WHAT IF - China is making MODERN bio-weapon balloons? How SMALL of a balloon would be needed to carry just 1 once of Ebola, Anthrax, etc., and with today's MICRO-Electronics, how small do you think a release mechanism has to be that includes a receiver to listen for a special encrypted code,, along with a battery, to then release those Bio-weapon materials HERE IN AMERICA?

THINK about the size of a normal "blow up" Party Balloon?? And if the color of these small balloons were say, Light Gray and Sky Blue, would you even SEE them at say 300ft in the air?? YEAH, scary shit for sure!!

Enjoy the video, IF YOU CAN.....Are you AWAKE NOW?!?
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