1 year ago

If the Archbishop of Uganda sues Peter Tatchell and the Archbishop of Canterbury for defamation, it could blow LGBTQ's paedophile boat out of the water.

If you agree, please drop him a line archbishop@churchofuganda.org.

@2m23s you can jump into what Stephen Kaziimba said and what Tatchell and Welby say he said.

By the grace of God, this African prelate will be willing to make Western incontinence 'the black man's burden'.

It seems the winds of tyranny are now blowing at youtube.

New CEO Neal Mohan appears to be taking up the censorship cudgels that Susan Wojcicki stepped back from, hence I've loaded this here as well as youtube.


The other year I had my channel banned for 3 strikes for the most ridiculous pretext that videos opposing anti-Semitism were 'hate'. (After emails to Parliamentary media cttee members besides appeals to youtube, I got my channel back. Most likely the political route had nothing to do with it, but who knows?)

Now 4 weeks into Mohan youtube appears to be looking for pretexts once more to silence pro-democracy channels.

I've had a 3 year old video banned for 'disinformation' for stating that "only a political psychopath would say that "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard" is 'incitement of insurrection'.

That's got me a 1 week strike.

Judging from past experiences, this will go further.

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