MMA Fighter Keith Lee Becomes Unlikely TikTok Star with Hilarious Food Reviews | Famous News

1 year ago

MMA Fighter Keith Lee Becomes Unlikely TikTok Star with Hilarious Food Reviews | Famous News

Former Bellator fighter Keith Lee has become one of the world’s most influential food reviewers with the help of social media. Check out this video which has pulled in a whopping 9 Million views. Keith Lee decided to invest his spare time into TikTok, in an effort to overcome his social anxiety and fear of public speaking. A little over a year later and he has almost 8 million followers on the platform and has helped save several struggling businesses. He has grown by an additional 100K since I started writing this story. To find out more about who he is and how he managed to capture the Tik Tok algorithm. Stay tuned to this episode of Famous News.

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