Elon Musk Warns About Open AI #Shorts

2 years ago

Elon Musk Warns About Open AI #Shorts

Elon Musk isn’t happy with the direction Open AI is taking and has warned the world that this is a major risk to the future of civilization. It’s TERMINATOR time, RISE OF THE MACHINES and Judgement Day is right around the corner. What’s going on guys? It’s your boy Michael McCrudden back with a brand-new episode of Famous News. To find out the latest drama involving Elon Musk and OpenAI stay tuned to this video and wherever you are watching this video be sure to give us a follow. It seems like Musk is not too happy with OpenAI, the company he co-founded. He claims it's become a closed-source, maximum-profit company controlled by Microsoft. Oh no, the big, bad Microsoft! Apparently, Musk thinks AI is one of the biggest risks to civilization and needs to be regulated. Yeah, that's right, folks, we need to regulate those pesky robots before they take over the world.

#ElonMusk #OpenAI #FamousNews #News #Shorts

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