Joey Swoll Accused of ‘Fueling Misogyny’ #Shorts

1 year ago

Joey Swoll Accused of ‘Fueling Misogyny’ #Shorts

Look we all know our local neighborhood gym is a public place and not everyone is always on their best behavior, male or female. That’s why Joey Swoll exists – as a gatekeeper to call those of us with poor gym etiquette out. Lately, he’s been on a tear that involves critiquing women who he believes are too quick to jump the gun and label male gym-goers as creeps or weirdos for occasionally shooting a glance their way. Ever since he started defending these men from being inappropriately labeled, he’s been both heralded and vilified for what he’s done. While some online laud him for exposing these women -- referring to him as both a “hero” and “legend -- there’s also a growing wave of backlash with others questioning why Joey’s only targeting women. Although, if you actually take the time to peruse his older content, you’ll see that that’s not the case. He’s also called out more than a few men for their poor behavior as well. But it’s definitely his content focusing on women that are earning him the most attention. Joey’s critics believe that his fans are using his content as an excuse to spread misogynistic rhetoric, such as blaming unwanted glances on how a woman chooses to dress. In the more extreme cases, some are even worried that Joey’s call-outs will result in violence against women who use their phones to collect evidence. For instance, one woman who was recently called out by Swoll for filming an older man at her gym received hundreds of hateful messages from Swoll’s fanbase, including people suggesting she harm herself and others who went so far as to dox her address.

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