2 years ago

#G13▪︎Message For Today▪︎
You must ACCEPT the full you to LEARN the full you..The LEVEL of #INNERWORK you do...will determine your height of #AWARENESS...concerning your surrounding #INFLUENCE..#ACTIONS...and #DECISION MAKING in LIFE...How much do you know about yourself..Your #FLAWS..Your #WEAKNESSES..Your #INSECURITIES..Your #STRENGTHS..Have you taken up the time to know your CHARACTERISTICS..habits..
and assessed your LIFE up to this point..
Or do you let others #CONVEY..#CONTROL..#CONTRADICT
what's really happening to you and your THOUGHT PROCESS..
If you haven't pondered your LIFE CYCLE..and the #PURPOSE you are here to fulfill..
You should give it some attention immediately..Ask yourself..and assess..What were my ACTIONS that lead me up to this point in my life..Am I content with the outcome of my #CHOICES..Do I feel I made the right DECISIONS for the greater GOOD..BAD..INDIFFERENT..Or..Are there supreme changes that needs to be made in my life..You can't let #FEAR bind you to the outpost of #MISERY and #NEGATIVITY..This fear keeps you from taking chances..
This F E A R keeps you from making the impossible possible..This FEAR keeps you from pursuing your #DREAMS and HEART'S desire..We all have a FEAR of something..The thing is..In order for us "HUMANS" to move forward in LIFE with PURPOSE and #DETERMINATION..We must face the fears that holds us in check..It is better to have tried to face your fear(s)..with COURAGE and COMMITMENT..Than to hide behind it's shadow of #CONTROL..
Leaving you EMPTY and WORTHLESS with no purpose or #AMBITION in life..As always..The choice is yours to do..or not do what you want out of your EXISTENCE here on planet Earth..
Keep P E A C E in your hearts..Go with #God..and move forward with "#PositiveOptimism #MuchLove Humans▪︎
G O D B L E S S . . . ❤🎇🛐🎼⚛🌎☯️♓🕴☻💯 Like..Follow..Subscribe..Comment and Share :

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