The 6 most useful Italian expressions in daily life.

2 years ago


Welcome everyone, today we will discuss the most common Italian expressions used in everyday life.
Learning these expressions can be very useful for foreign students who want to immerse themselves in Italian culture and learn the Italian language.

1. Tutto a posto: This expression is often used in Italy and means "everything's fine" or "all right."
It can be used in many situations, such as when someone asks how you are or when you want to reassure someone that everything is under control.

2. Fare il ponte: This expression is used to refer to a period of time when there are consecutive holidays.
For example, if the national holiday falls on a Thursday and Friday is already a holiday, you are said to "bridge" between the holiday and the weekend.

3. Mettere una pezza: This expression is used to refer to the idea of solving a problem temporarily.
For example, if you have a hole in your pants and want to cover it up quickly, you can "patch it up" until you have a way to repair the damage permanently.

4. In bocca al lupo: This expression is used to wish someone good luck.
The appropriate response is "may the wolf drop dead," which means "may the wolf die."

5. Avere la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca: This ironic expression is used when someone asks for too much or demands to have it all.
It means he wants both a full barrel, that is, he wants everything, and a drunk wife, that is, he wants happiness at all costs.

6. Avere le mani in pasta: This expression is used to indicate that someone is working on something.
For example, if you are cooking dinner and someone asks you what you are doing, you can answer that you have your hands in the dough.

These are just some of the most common Italian expressions used in everyday life.

The videos in this channel are dedicated to the Italian language and culture. The main topics will be grammar lessons, exercises, dialogues from everyday life, history, geography, fashion, cooking and much more.

My books on Amazon. Level A1/A2 I recommend the following textbooks:
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For students at B1/B2/C1/C2 level, I recommend my novels: dictionary, exercises and solutions. (Dead End Road) (The Red Jasper) (The Curse of the Isle of Cora) (Militaria)

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