HIGHLIGHTS! CHATGPT Builds Passive Income Assets That Makes Money Online!

1 year ago

the boot camp is starting at February 20th the eight week as set building boot camp you're going to have five to seven assets real assets okay and they're going to be fully monetized it's a eight-week boot camp and we're going to be monetizing your assets these are going to be like apps directories different tools different AI apps and all of this extra stuff you're gonna have all of that you're going to be an owner because in order to be a business owner you have to own a business you
need to own assets that's what this is about on this channel okay so that's coming up February 20th we are launching the uh the asset Empire boot camp okay and the actual lives will start on March 20th uh oh I'm tripping March 1st okay so the boot camp launches at February 20th but we're starting to go live twice per week for eight weeks straight building out our assets and monetizing them five to seven you will be the owner of these he gonna fill them up with users using our tools our know-how and our
connections and everything guys so it's going to be extremely powerful Lord willing you guys can be there to witness it ah okay so I'm gonna share with you guys a video that I was talking about you can use this formula okay for your AI automation agency now I'm not trying to throw you off or anything like that I'm just giving you guys an opportunity to show you that you know you need to go with the times a lot of you guys are still dming people and saying hey I can do your marketing for you or I can do
your SEO for you and all of that that stuff is cool but but man listen we're at the age where where listen you can include that stuff as like uh cherry on top type situation but that should not be your main offer anymore it's definitely not I'm an SEO genius but that's not even my main offer anymore so watch this video do not leave take notes okay and I will give you guys this video and you can copy it and uh use it for your agency foreign man we're going to take your highest months of profits and we're going to
Triple them in less than 57 days guaranteed or everything is free for an entire year you probably think our code called you but you would be wrong I have assets to do that take a look at the screen all right see we didn't call a car you take a look this is how we reached out to thousands of y'all voicemails right here with my software that I spent thousand buildings you probably think I sent you a text message but you would be wrong again take a look at the screen all right so if you thought I'd text you it was
actually this we upload thousands of numbers at the same time the same way we would do it for your client and then we just send that blast out all in one day generating a crapload of responses booking a whole crapload of appointments on automation follow up and all of that this is the magic of on your own Assets Now you definitely probably I think I sent you a DM on Instagram or Facebook telling you I wanted to do marketing or I could triple your Revenue but that wasn't me either we use these assets as well as what I'm going to show you next
to bring you all of those profit boosts that we promise you all right so don't mistake yourself don't get it wrong I am not some dude reaching out to you to do your marketing this is called profit positioning yes what it involves is pure domination if you know anything about the game or Monopoly the more places you land or the more places you own on the or the more profit you make so this is profit positioning we're about all domination you take a look at the screen we're about taking every single piece on
the board so that no matter where a person lands you're going to be profitable all right so another thing that makes us different over here at profit positioning is the fact that we position you for profit but we take everything off the Monopoly board except you okay so this is this Monopoly all right there are 13 spots on the first page of Google if you are in real estate or know anything about real estate you understand that's in the strip mall there can be one owner that owns that land but there are multiple different
properties that they can make money from so on the first page of Google there are approximately counting maybe the ads 13 spots on the first page of Google so for let's say you're trying to get seller leads or seller appointments sell my house plus City that's where you will take all 13 clean spots on the first page of Google meaning no competitor could get any of your leads because when the person types it in you will be the only one they see all right if you're trying to get by yourself buyer leads
okay homes for sale plus city that is something that a buyer lead would type in you would be in all 13 spots nobody else will be able to get lead but you all right for your profession so if you're a realtor or a wholesaler or a construction company the 13 spots on the first page of Google would be taken up all by you all right now this is something different that we do as well competition name all right whoever your top three competitors are we will make your name your phone number your company contact details show up whenever
customers or potential clients search your competitor's name that's extremely powerful that nobody else does all right so you're essentially hijacking their regular customers when they search for them by name with their wallets out already and last but not least part of Nick's Monopoly is the bilingual takeover so there are people that speak different languages but they are searching for what you do for a living and they need help but you are missing out on those leads this is something that could triple your sales
overnight we position you so where you show up in different languages the dominant different languages in in your area whether that's Spanish French Chinese whatever you will show up in Google in your area for those different languages and if you have somebody on staff that speaks different languages you kill it and you master it you slay it that's Niche Monopoly all right so the last thing that makes us different from anybody you ever come across of is one of our major assets called the alpha job affiliate Army so if you know
anything about business the billionaires all of that you know the power of Leverage you minimize your risk and you get all the reward okay so having your own affiliate Army Affiliates are people that spend their own money to bring you sales just in case you don't know so you can cancel out your own ad budget if you was using that okay so we have a team of Affiliates that generates sales so you might have a marketing guy already a marketing guy we have teams that will be dedicated to you specifically you have
your own Army generating your sales contracts appointments leads all those things this is that for job affiliate Army our affiliate Network where we have thousands of Affiliates that will be using their entire budgets to generate sales and appointments and bookings for your company out of their accounts all right another benefit of having your own affiliate Army like we do is they use their own ad budget so it's no risk this is what I'm talking about once you're a member of the alpha job Community our
Affiliates use their own ad budgets their own expertise taught by us to generate new sales and last but not least it forces brand domination brand recognition in your local area or nationally if you're trying to do that thing because you will have this team of people throwing out ads with your logo and your branding on a daily basis consistently 24 hours and that's how we can guarantee that your sales your Revenue your profits triples in less than 57 days guaranteed or it's free go ahead and make a move and we can Finance
it look at the link in the description let's get started oh yeah so uh what y'all think about that man we was killing it during the scandemic as y'all can see I was in Mexico at that time you understand uh but yeah man like I had my wife recording that so it's not very uh professional but it doesn't matter because our offers are unique and this is why we have Market monopolies this is why we have offers like what you see over here and people actually pay them all right and this is what I want for
you guys so if you position yourself in uniquely to where people have to go to you for something specific and you're not a a something that they can just get on every street corner something that they can just pick up in Walmart or or Walgreens or something like that this is why we have offers like this and people can actually pay them because there's nobody else with a market Monopoly that can legally do the market Monopoly because we have taken that spot right there and uh so so I want you guys to stand out and right now one of the
things that you can offer like I was trying to tell you is an AI agency you understand what I'm saying you can literally go to these local businesses and you can take out the tedious tasks that they're doing do you know how much paperwork law firms have to deal with doctors dentists have to deal with you know how many customer service reps and stuff that can be like like automated like these things can be taken away and save them thousands of dollars per month you understand so you don't even have to
go to them promising them more customers are are more you know uh SEO rankings or nothing like that you literally can take away the expenses that that don't need to be there okay so Tuesday Watkins said can this be for any niche of the market or is this just for Real Estate well we do profit positioning for any Niche you understand but this is not me trying to sell it I'm trying to teach you guys to offer something unique I was just giving you guys an example of our offer showing you how you can mold your offer into
something similar to be unique while everybody else was just promoting SEO or social media marketing we were promoting profit positioning complete domination of entire markets locally and stuff like that okay so you want to be different set yourself apart okay um no thanks 2023 said there is a lot of information to unpack here yes sir yes sir all right so uh some of you guys are new here so I'm gonna show you some of uh well a couple of the assets that we use to do like Mass Outreach and everything then there's a couple other
tools that we're working on we're still building our own Instagram Tool uh right now we had it and it was a different one but now we're building our own okay that other one was just like one that we used but now we're building our own but it's pretty much going to work the same way so I'm going to show you guys those tools and stuff because when the boot camp comes up it's not a such thing there's no such thing as if you build it they will come and that's where a lot of you guys have been tricked a lot of you
guys might have businesses already our websites already and you see these Wix commercials you see these uh WordPress commercials and all of that and they make it seem like oh you build your funnel or you build your website and you're gonna start getting traffic and sales and all of that BS but that's not true it's not true yeah you have to harness traffic because the the formula is traffic plus irresistible offer equals money okay I don't know how many of you guys were here the other day when
we were using chat gbt we were using chat gbt to uh create uh uh uh a theme park product I don't know if you guys were here but put a one in the chat or put a hashtag yes Lord in the comments if you were here here when we did the theme park product presentation come on 24 y'all on her let me get some yes Lords in the comments man all right uh he said I pray everyone watching and listening here becomes rich this year the world needs you no cap hey okay uh self-made what's going on man all right Brandon said where's the
download the download the web bro uh uh all right yeah so basically what Chachi PT can handle for you is the research you understand like a lot of people have a a research specialist in their company okay or you might hire a VA to do research and development okay but you don't even really need to pay for that anymore this is what I'm saying you that's light work that is light work okay uh uh I'll give you one of my main right there boom oh yeah I go there y'all go okay so just know y'all I'm not telling you to I'm
not like telling you to go and do exactly what I did I'm telling you to like use it as a one of those sketch stencils type situations look at what I did man okay so during the scandemic everything was going down so you want to use the viral formula that it usually works on YouTube too if you want to go viral it's time is audience like topical audience timing and uniqueness topical audience timing and uniqueness so topic it needs to be relevant it needs to be a passionate audience about it just like right now we're talking about AI it's a
whole cult type situation so we got the timing situation down all right we got the audience the timing uh then we got the uniqueness right okay so the reason we're unique over here is because we're not just using chat GPT to create articles or or do that we're using chat gbt to help us build out assets and actual business models and all of that extra stuff you understand because it is much more than an article writer all right um Brandon said so what are the questions you're asking chat GPT to design stuff
like this what do you mean like the market Monopoly is that what you mean uh uh because I had that way before a chat gbt uh but chat gbt you can leverage it to go deep into stuff like this and I'll show you that in a minute if that's what you asked me okay sure Z said how would you suggest a beginner to use chat gbt to earn the most money in the quickest way possible well let's go over to chat GPT now it might not even be working but you know how it does let's see okay the the first thing you want to do
is not ax chat gbt how to make some money because it's not really gonna do too much for you y'all know what's funny man like listen over here some of you guys have the little upgrade button where you can upgrade but I don't have it man I don't know why the heck like some of the some of the accounts are different from others maybe it's because I'm on Mac maybe it's a Windows thing I don't know what what's going on but it does not have the upgrade button for me uh but I
definitely want to get the paid version okay I wouldn't suggest you getting the pay version if you just dibly dabbling okay uh Brandon said I'm talking about coding okay well you just have to be specific what I like to do I'll give you an example um is our Google let's see okay scraper tool okay no scraper so give me the uh let's see HTML code for a uh website a web scraper tool a simple web scraper tool okay then we're gonna get to the meat and potatoes of this stuff right here so but as you can see here it is it's a
simple web scraper tool what I recommend guys you can get some cold free coding off of GitHub you can get the Bare Bones off of GitHub of some of these tools that you guys know that are art that's already popular and famous and you can bring it over here and you can tell chat gbt to build on top of it like if you see another tool that you like out there you can tell chat GPT hey here's the code for this simple scraping tool right here but can you add um uh another uh feature to it that will automatically redirect the page okay uh
let's see add a uh redirect code to the code above um let's see what it does all right to add a redirect code to the previous HTML you can use this JavaScript blah blah blah boom see now it's doing it you just have to know what you want to actually listen guys I know it's a site but the whole point of it is to emulate intelligence so if it emulates intelligence that man is trying to be like a person right well guess what just talk to it like a person a lot of people ask me well how do I exit the same way that you would ask a
person I guarantee you you have no problem asking people for what you want okay well talk to chat GP is not a person yet but talk to it like a person that's how it's being built out it will perform the best when you talk to it like a person okay um chart Z asks what digital assets do you mean exactly are you referring to what will be creating in a boot camp is that what you mean let me know let me know if that's what you're talking about is that the kind of digital assets you mean like ebooks published to Amazon KDP
you can do that but no that's not what I'm talking about all right uh it's 31 people on here I want to help all of you guys specifically get traffic and sales to your assets that you're currently working on right now while giving you recommendations on different assets to go with it so that you can monetize it heavily quickly without risk okay so make sure you guys stay on here we're gonna go I'm gonna pull from the crowd Brandon is very active shark Z is very active I want everybody on here to be
active so that I can pull from the crowd and help you guys uh personally generate traffic to yours I don't mind helping you guys get traffic and everything I don't have to charge for nothing like that only thing I would charge for is if I was going to do it for you okay so I'm not one of those channels or one of those people you don't come to where they won't tell you stuff unless you buy something that's not me guys okay so hey if you got something that you're working on right now and you want traffic and sales to it
and you have no idea where to start y'all this is the time to put it in the comments I've been here since 2015 at technically the end of 2014 if you want to get technical technical technical right but I've been doing this for a long time one of the first people to teach this SEO stuff on the platform one of the first people to teach CPA marketing on a platform you can go oh all the way back on my channel so this is no luck and we still heard back starting from the bottom now we heard now okay so sharzie says is there any
way to just do it for something I mean uh just it for something to do with see CPA affiliate offers or no yes it is Char Z he said I doubt it could actually get CPA uh affiliate signups okay all right all right you see the user face of it right so it's not it's not something that's gonna go out and do anything it produces for you okay meaning it can produce content it can produce coding it can produce tools it can produce ideas for you to use to go out and do it yourself you still have to do something
is nothing you're going to be able to well let me stop lying I'm gonna show you something I'm gonna show you something in a minute guys it is something that can get those CPA affiliate offers done yeah y'all remember all of the stuff back in the day when somebody say man there's no secret button that you can push that will allow you to make money you know what I'm saying there's no button you can't just sit back and push a button and make money well that's not technically true anymore the video that
I'm gonna show you in a in a few seconds is definitely a button that you can push it's a couple tools that we use where we push buttons and that's how some of you guys are here right now that's how some of you guys have become students that's how some of you guys on here have become clients already okay because it is a few buttons that you can push okay so uh give me a second y'all and I'm gonna show you that video so y'all are definitely going to want to stick around because you can plug this these systems
and automations and tools into your businesses fire the humans no offense but fire the humans that are not really serving a major purpose and then only keep the humans that like they you need them like it has to be like technology haven't caught up for the tasks that they have to do but stuff like sending emails scraping emails uh uh reaching out to people uh creating videos and all of that extra stuff there are tools and Ai and chat gbt and all of this stuff I heard pictori that can do all of that stuff uh
yes sir no thanks says uh A wise man once said there's no cash in without action and that is bars right there he is telling the truth all right yes chat beats chat GPT is for leverage guys it's not going to do it for you but it can make you look like a Superman you understand what I'm saying it can make you look like a genius but you have to have some type of Base knowledge at least or it will make you look like a fool okay all right so um Brandon says I have an idea I am working on a lot of different things at once how
the heck can you help our uh funds the higher uh hire folks how oh how can you get help or funds to hire folks and this is this is a good point Brandon this is another reason why things like chat gbt is so powerful guys because if you are a person that do not have the budget to hire people actual humans in the first place then Chad GPT and is perfect because what do you do when you go on Craigslist or you go on online jobs pH or something like that and you hire these uh Filipino virtual assistants and stuff what do you do you're giving them
the same tasks that chat GPT can do for you this right here you're telling them to write me and SEO article about how uh hold on 10 ways to make money with CPA affiliate offers okay uh write it with a uh dark uh sins of humor include references so uh dramatic events that happened in history uh include uh references to famous uh celebrities also include
average income earning predictions for people that do CPA affiliate marketing affiliate damn I'm spelling it wrong come on affiliate marketing I ain't got no glasses right boom then you just press that ah error occurred Let me refresh the page sometimes I gotta refresh it if it's sitting there too long all right if it locks you out a little bit boom now let's try to get that as you can see it is creating a an extremely unique piece of content you understand what I'm talking about which you can try to rank for the keyword uh
how to make money with CPA marketing you understand what I'm saying you can go deeper into detail with this you can tell chat BT GPT to do whatever the hell you wanted to do so when you guys are talking to chat GPT if you don't wanted to give you used content or pull from content that's already out there on the web then you got to get extremely detailed and specific with how you wanted to give you the content you understand I told it to give me celebrities I told it to reference uh uh uh like historical events dramatic
historical Revenge I told it to be uh use dark humor and everything like that come on y'all like this is how you do it this is Mastery right here you have to know how to pull from chat gbt you understand what I'm talking about Brandon says so last question for you right now how many words does it take to to get uh the full 10 minute video and pick Tory uh uh want to break it down into segments for shorts um I don't know exactly how many words it's gonna take but the good thing about Chad gbt is you can always just type in
here make it longer or or create a part two out of this you you just have to know what to to ask Chad gbt so basically when look like this right here is an article it turned this into an article but watch this this is how you create uh multiple pieces of media and content out of uh one thing one one request from Chad GPZ watch this uh use the above article to create a video script oh snapage let's see what it comes up with oh snap isn't this powerful isn't this beautiful so yes Chad's EBT can do some awesome things
guys but this is not your business itself you're using it for the business that you're already building Chad GPT belongs to the owner of chat gbt quit getting it twisted so don't think that chat GPT itself is making you money what you're pulling from chat gbt combined with your own actions and resources that is what is making you money so you can't be a bum or or or a person that don't know anything at all and have no type of talent or no type of skill and think that you're going to
become some type of billionaire a millionaire Jessica's Chad gbt wrote you a few articles or songs or something like that okay leverage it to become greater than you already are because you're already great if you have assets if you have some type of talent or you have some type of uh a business model that you're already working on you understand what I'm saying use it the same way that you have employees does an employee make you no you were the owner before you hired that employees so so it's the same thing with chat GPT why
people think just because chat gbt came out now the world is is no the world was heard before Chan gbt so you leverage it the same way you leverage an employee so if you had no idea what you were doing to make money online before chat GPT then that's the problem Chad GPT is supposed to help you it's supposed to elevate what you're already on what you're already on y'all y'all understand that what you're already on okay so check this out we got uh danzy he said do you think udemy course is made
with the help of GPT can be just as written course or is always better to be a video I mean well I I haven't really seen any just written courses on you to me uh it would have to be video right and I've never seen just a written course on udemy maybe I'm wrong or something uh but yes this is 2023 man 2023 brother okay you understand our assist I don't know I don't know that's danzy um yeah you're not really getting by without video every single platform that you know of right now is is
incorporating video that's priority any like text Heavy websites images or any of that extra stuff people don't want to read no more man they want to be red too they want to listen they want to kick back and be entertained like they're all kings and queens this is the age of entitled Bratz no offense but it's the truth so yes video video is what wins you understand what I'm talking about so you're gonna need video courses so pick Tori pick Tory it can help you with the videos okay now you might still need to do uh
if you're trying to go on udemy and everything you might still need to do the voice over or whatever but pictori can still you you can take the script and you can plug it into pictori and it will just automatically get you the b-roll and the background music and create the scenes and all of that and you can just read the voiceover or whatever if you want to okay and that's how you can you know create some decent courses or whatever and then you want to run it by an expert maybe you can find an expert in that
field on Facebook or somebody and ask them to look over it make sure it's not a piece of crap course if they give you a seal of approval cool then you upload it if they don't then go back to the drawing board with markers okay you are welcome Dancy all right uh there's no cash in without action guys all right so now yeah so now you guys you see it can create code it can create article you've seen that on every channel that's not what I'm about over here over here we're talking about building we're talking
about building platforms okay so we're going to go over something real quick give me a second let me go get it let me go get it for you okay okay guys I'm gonna put this in the chat well no I'm not gonna put an enchant I'm putting in chat GPT Let me refresh the page for the one time let me Let me refresh the page we're gonna put that in here and these are the assets we will be building and monetize in the uh the boot camp that starts on the 20th Okay so I didn't even ask it to do all of this
extra stuff right here but anyway so technically we're not going to build them they're going to be built for you you're going to get a chance to meet developers and all of that extra stuff people that actually own assets that are monetized and everything you're going to see some of my assets that you never seen before that are monetized and you're going to see some of my newer wins we're going to be we're going to be monetizing our assets together growing them together filling them up with users
together for passive income for a lifetime so you can pass them down to your children's children's children so they can read on the side of the building um in business since 1804. no I'm just playing okay all right so all right Niche directories all right so look at this man it broke it down but I didn't even ask it to and it's still doing this so the reason why Niche directories are so profitable guys and if you don't know what a niche director is watch this give me we'll just say
give examples of most famous directories uh I'd say business directories it's a business directories okay let's see what chat gbt can come up with sure here are some of the most famous ones oh snap so are the business models that I'm teaching you actually proving yep yep we got Google my business we got Yellow Pages we got Angie's List oh snapage we also have TripAdvisor we got like Zillow and and look well Forest Square sucks but you guys get it LinkedIn these are business directories Niche directors Better Business Bureau
okay so check this out guys check this out let me breathe in the fresh air of success that I can smell coming from this audience that's on here okay so no thanks says this is epic time uh this is an epic time we all gotta catch this wave yes now check this out man the internet was built and the ones that caught it first they figured something out it's about platforms I watched the movie Bezos the other day it was about Jeff Bezos and when the internet when he first caught with for the internet it was growing at 2500
percent okay and it's not growing that fast anymore it already pretty much did his thing right but that doesn't mean you still can't catch catch some of it okay and what I mean by that is those that build platforms on top of the internet platforms mediums connectors of parties multiple parties that mean you're sent you're satisfying multiple parties that need something from each other you're giving them a place to conduct business and reach a satisfactory result you understand what I'm saying and this
ensures the success of this business model why it's because Yelp is not just a typical website it satisfies a customer that is looking for a good business with good reviews and all of that so they can go there and buy or Dine or whatever and then it also satisfies the business owner it themselves that is looking for more customers so it provides for both parties and then it satisfies itself because then they get a crazy amount of AD revenue from the visitors on a site on top of that they charge per lead or
per call or something like that when a person is uh uh um you know contacted through Yelp or whatever and you you can buy Yelp ads on a platform platform you understand what I'm saying so it's just so much monetization in there now am I telling you to compete with them am I saying that in this boot camp guys that you will be big as yo that's up to you I'm not saying that I'm not even big as yo I'm saying that you will have modest earnings you will have passive income you will be able to have an asset we can
fill it up with users and it can take you off your damn job at least how about that and imagine that being multiplied okay you got five or seven of these assets that have uh you know a couple hundred to a thousand something users on the platform all of them are doing transactions interacting with each other and there's money being passed around on these assets money being made through ads and all of this extra stuff okay and this is just one this is your Niche directory so I want you to think about that so next we're gonna talk about oh
and just in case you want to know let's see uh uh what is the net worth and I remember they don't really have that much up-to-date data they only go to 2021 but let's see what is the net worth of uh Yelp in 2021 we'll just do that one since that's all the information they got okay yes it was yeah see this is why Google is still needed okay but they say it's about uh 5 billion that's not true it's more than that but that's still awesome it's nothing but a platform you can
clone out of Yelp guys it's is it easy to just clone these these apps these websites these directories these websites and stuff was not easy is getting people on them you know they interact getting them getting traffic to them and getting them to rank and doing all this extra stuff and that's where we come in in the boot camp okay but just knowing that you don't even need a lot of users just imagine you being the Yelp of your city you don't have to be the Yelp of the United States or the world you can
be the Yelp of your town and that's do you know how many businesses are in your town huh do you know how many businesses are in your Dango town exactly it's crazy amounts of businesses in your town so that's a crazy amount of activity on your little directory site okay so then we got Niche social network okay so we were talking about social networks let's see what was the question okay well we already know give me some examples of niche social networks boom here are some examples of Niche social
networks we got Meetup right there have you guys ever heard a meet up if you are a marketer or an agency for marketing or something then I'm pretty sure you heard a meet up but we got Ravelry we got good reads we got next door I'm pretty sure you heard the next door deviantART okay so check this out guys why do you want to build a niche social network you don't want to build like a Facebook you understand you don't want to build something like that you you want to build like a LinkedIn okay why
because it's better it's very specific and when you make it very specific is worth way more uh uh to to people it's worth more to your audience it's worth more to investors because they have like this Cesspool of uh uh of targeted uh prospects and stuff like that okay for example LinkedIn that's for businesses so it's very easy for people like me and you and marketing agencies we know exactly where to go to find the actual business owners we just need to go on LinkedIn so it's extremely powerful and I'll give
you let's do uh network of Link because that's a social media network uh how do you spell LinkedIn and 2021. and let's see what it comes up with guys yo yo nephew for real what's up okay what's going on what's going on what's going on so as y'all can see man it's typing it out you know what it's talking about it said the data it concludes that it is around 38.
2 Billy boys okay so once again disclaimer you understand what I'm saying because you're not gonna be a blamer disclaimer I'm not saying that you're gonna be rich you understand I'm not saying that you're going to get rich off of the boot camp but what I am saying at the end of this boot camp you're gonna have five seven monetize assets that will be able to replace whatever you're earning at a freaking nine to five unless you working some dang on like freaking uh a family that praise corporate
job where you're making five hundred thousand dollars um a year or some crap like that you understand so but even if you were working there and all of that that doesn't have any upside they're not going to leave that company to you you don't own it and you still have to get permission for everything but when you own your assets you decide how far or or how much you want to scale them up how much you want to make from them okay so this is why I'm showing you guys this so even if you don't get into boot camp
guys I want you to take this video and I want you to model this if you want to go out and try to figure out how to clone each of these yourself do that and if it's gonna it's movie difficile meaning very difficult to fill these assets up though okay and get traffic to them okay so check this out another reason why this is so powerful we're gonna see this give me some example of some website Builders give me I'm pretty sure you guys heard of this uh examples of popular website builders okay here are some examples of popular
website Builders wigs baby Wix baby wigs baby a a a wigs baby WordPress check this out man we got skirt Squarespace on here yes Lord we got square space we got weebly y'all to see me I build some of my stuff on Weebly you understand and I've been doing that since the beginning right and you got Shopify stop trying to be the drop shipper and own the Drop Shipping platform that's Shopify baby you understand now let me tell you why this stuff is so important right okay uh uh we're gonna get give me the net worth
of wigs Waverly Shopify in word press let's do it man do what I say Chad gbt don't disobey me don't take all day Chad GPT come on all right so Wix publicly traded company the net worth is 8.7 Billy boys okay so you're gonna see why I'm I'm talking about this we can clone website building platforms you can own a platform like a Wix a Weebly a WordPress where people can go to build their own websites on and I'm going to tell you exactly why that is one of the most perfect assets to own I'm giving
you guys everything y'all and the boot camp ain't even started so check this out Jim knopp said uh did I say your last name right uh uh he said how do we sign up for the boot camp the boot camp Jim the chorus part of the boot camp will be launched on February 20th and then we go live March 1st so we're gonna start some type of countdown situation where you guys can like you know pretty much know it's coming up I would strongly suggest you put the pennies of that put your pennies aside baby I understand cancel
any uh dates that you plan on tricking off on any of these thought thoughts okay cancel some of those right now you understand say the cake up you understand because you don't want to miss this there's nobody out there I've already looked trust me that we'll be showing you guys how to build five to seven assets and monetize them and this is going to be long-term meaning we're going to be connected forever Lord willing that you know hopefully you guys like me enough that you don't mind
having me around for a while because I'm gonna make sure you guys uh uh never felt alone in your journey with your assets so that you can pass them down the Bible says that a good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children you are supposed to pass something down and you cannot do that if you're just making money for yourself you have to own assets okay uh a20 says can chat gbt do the market research yes Lord if you just came on her guys the replay will be up we just went over that the chat GPT yes that's
definitely r d research and development major right there you can cancel the virtual assistants you can fire the employees that just do that type of stuff okay we got Marcus he say peace and prosperity late to the party but I'm here hey as long as you hear man as long as you're here okay so why why guys why am I going to have you guys owning your own website builder platforms why when there's already some out there okay remember I was telling you guys the other day uh about the theme park products okay where you want to just
charge like a low ticket to get into your Theme Park theme park meaning your your business basically okay so let's say you have an agency like a marketing agency okay if you instead instead of approaching these businesses talking about hey I'm gonna do your marketing for you I'm gonna send you leads I'm gonna do all of this extra stuff like that get them into your theme park don't charge them the you know uh I'm not trying to be a hypocrite because I know you guys see that I have like a
hundred thousand dollar offers on my site and stuff but I'm not new guys I'm not new I've been doing this a long time okay so my point is this get them into your theme park first so if you approach them with a we're gonna give you a free new website on our new platform and it's gonna come with a domain now all right so a few people including Andrew Tate said something wise Andrew Tate said it uh a better way that people can comprehend he said hop and he said find money that's already moving and
then jump and stand in front of it if you want to get rich find money that's already moving and then stand in front of it now what does that have to do with these guys check this out a drop shipper was going to be Drop Shipping way before drop I'm a Shopify came out they was doing it on eBay they was doing it on Alibaba they was doing it on all of these sites and stuff so this person that built Shopify was like okay hold on check this out they just need a specific place four drops shippers so instead of being
a drop shipper they created the Drop Shipping platform so they jumped they found money that was moving meaning these if you go and look at all these YouTube channels on Drop Shipping these dudes are spending five ten thousand dollars a week uh running ads to their Drop Shipping uh um websites and all of that crap like that and Amazon products and all of that so Shopify is like damn that's money right there if I just created a little Hub a little platform for them to come I can get a piece of all of their
transactions so just by creating a platform a niche a niche a niche website builder and payment processor slash payment processor Shopify now gets a piece of every single sale of every single drop shipper out there instead of just being a drop shipper that gets his own sales he gets whoever owns Shopify gets a piece of every drop shipper sales out there do y'all understand how powerful it is you find money that's already moving and then you just stand in front of it that's how the the simplest way you can put it and
Andrew Tate said that and I was like yo that was cold right there that that was cold the the uh who was that Albert Einstein uh somebody said the Geniuses are not the ones that make everything sound all complex the genius is the person that can take something that's complex and make it sound super simple that is awesome right there so when when Andrew Tay said no I'm not trying to uphold a guy or whatever uh but when he said just fine money that's already moving and stabbing in front of it it just became so simple when you look at
it like that tell me it's not so simple please tell me in a chat that is not so simple if okay all right watch this I'll give you guys some examples we're going to name some some people some some uh some like some entrepreneurs that will be going out the money whether or not uh you help them or not that means they're moving that means there's money moving because they're spending money on their their stuff whether or not you know them or not see the problem is we try to think of the business model we try to be
creative and just magically come up with business ideas you understand what I'm saying but there's money out there already moving I'll give you an example there are art galleries because there are artists that want to sell their art they wanted to do that anyway these artists have been doing this for thousands of years running around trying to figure out how to sell their art so there's money that's already moving meaning you don't have to convince them to try to go out there and promote
themselves if you go look on their Instagrams they're already promoting themselves without you telling them to so that's money that's already moving so if you created an online gallery or something like that locally and you just emailed them and said hey artist uh 70 of artists that uh put their art on this new platform happens in uh experience uh uh 35 increase that people like percentages for some reason it feels like it's scientifically Improvement right okay so they're gonna go and put
their art on their site on your site and then they're gonna link uh uh that the link that they get from your site and they're all their social medias and when people purchase the art from your website then you're gonna get a piece of all of the transactions from that artist so you're taking a ride you're hitching a ride it's leech sales it's called leech marketing parasite marketing you understand you're hitching a ride on money that was a already going to go out whether or not you had a chance with
them or not same thing with rappers Spotify Spotify knew that we hated I say we like I still do music but we hate record labels we hate the record deals and they understood that even though we hate that crap people out there on the streets risking their life selling drugs to get their music out they out there on the corners passing out demos selling it out their trunk doing a masterpiece style you understand what I'm saying like people out there promote you don't have to tell a person to promote their
music they packing up their trucks and going on the road doing shows and spending money staying sleeping in the car and doing all this stuff people spending money you understand for their music and their passions so that is money that is already moving so when you build a platform like a Spotify you just put that right in front of those artists you just I'm gonna I'm gonna just sit this right here I'm just gonna you know leave that right there right so you do that they they gonna eat it up oh man
because they need as many places to get visibility and exposure to their albums their new song releases and streams and all of this extra stuff like that do y'all see how simple it is now hold on nephew say this man is Prometheus whoa hold on I don't know about that I know that's a compliment I think right okay Raphael said the definition of genius is taking the complex and making it simple Albert Einstein yes Lord yes Lord man that's what I'm saying yes parasite marketing look at it like that thank you thank you
no thanks says parasite he put that in the in the chat let everybody know that is one of the easiest ways to make a killing you find money that's already moving without you is already moving no matter what people think things are uh things everything revolves around them you know I'm saying money just ain't gonna if you ain't doing that money ain't dirt no you don't have to do something for money to be there money is going by you no matter what you can walk past the ATM and is is either more money in it or less money in
it since the last time you walk in it money is moving by itself same thing with the vending machines same thing with the uh freaking uh uh uh washing uh machines at the laundromat like money is moving with or without you so all you do is you find money that is already moving and you stand in front of it and one way that you can do that one of the best ways that you can do that guys is with plaques forms provide them a place that doesn't feel like uh is sales it feels like it's an environment for them to thrive and grow
upon all right this is why Facebook became so awesome I hate Facebook by the way but it became so awesome to everybody because it provided them a platform to go on and voice themselves and be stupid okay right and YouTube provided a platform for people to come on there and get famous when they couldn't get in movies like it's it's literally channels on YouTube where they have like movie level production and you don't never you don't have to go to Hollywood and get get um violated I'll just say that PG-13 uh
you don't have to go to Hollywood to get violated anymore you can literally start your own production team right up on YouTube you can literally uh sell your own music right up on YouTube YouTube took something that knew they knew people wanted exposure and it's like let me make it easy for people to go viral same thing with Tick Tock when you upload something on Tick Tock your first video tell me I'm lying your first video on Tech attack always gets the most views super easy you don't even have to use
the right hashtags because they're trying to make it easy they're trying to give you what you want early so that it becomes habitual for you to visit their website and stay on a platform because the longer you stay on a platform the more money they make you know okay so um yeah yeah okay uh he giving me some back back uh history on it he said yes Prometheus stole the fire from the gods and gave it to humanity in the form of Technology whoa yeah I know none of that hey that's that's that's that's a nice
story though okay um champion of mankind Raphael says kinda be the middle man if there ain't no middle create one yes Lord and it's a whole crapload of Industries I have like over 600 different niches inside uh one of my programs that I teach them the drop service in is like a crazy amount of niches even though on YouTube if you go to any of these marketing channels they always telling you to go out to Realtors go after chiropractors dentist lawyers the same old same old I tell you to go after uh uh um
pull uh uh Pool Resurfacing I tell you to go after uh um you know things like scuba diving instructors because those packages is like I'm In Scuba Diving certifications those packages are like twenty five hundred dollars and stuff you understand I'll tell you to go after stuff like uh uh um you know helicopter uh uh pilot training and and different things like that guys because this is high ticket and low competition so you just have to be different man so no thanks say I get it now uh don't reinvent the wheel yes Lord exactly
exactly the Bible says let all your ways be established that means proven let all your ways be proven and tested okay that way you ain't out there experimenting and jacking yourself up you make sure it's proven that it works and then you build on top of that to make it unique okay everybody wants I'm the first black man to do this man that sucks that mean I had to go through hell I'm not trying to be the first black man nothing you understand like dude all that Pride stuff the spirit of pride comes before
the fall remember that all right and it's gonna take you forever to reach success when you're sitting there trying to like come on man no no all right so Ben Jessie says do you have to sign up for the Boot Camp or will it just be on YouTube no Jesse the boot camp is paid all of this that I'm doing right now all of this stuff when I go live on here if you guys need uh help with your businesses and all of that stuff I do this stuff for free but the boot camp that is going to be paid all right and that one that's eight week boot camp
intense we're gonna we're gonna be having uh five to seven assets that we're building out and they're gonna be monetized all right um and we're gonna be going live like for eight hours straight two days a week so it's very intense I want to make sure at the end of this boot camp you guys never have to fill out application again in your life I want to make sure you don't even know how to spell it anymore we might cluck you upside the head till you get temporary Amnesia and then I'm
gonna reaffirm that you don't know how to spell application no I'm just playing but you get what I'm saying right so that that's how intense this boot camp is going to be yes okay uh all right now so yeah no I won't be on bouquet it won't be on YouTube okay but we will still be doing little you know doing what we do here so if you guys show up here every night and you are active like you are now in the chat you tell me your businesses that you're already working on and stuff then I can help you I can
give you traffic I can help you get traffic and sales I have no problem with that and I don't have to charge you for that okay all right so whatever you're working on already I can help you with that okay um but the boot camp is going to be off the chain all right so oh excuse me so before we move on let me tell you why this right here is perfect okay if you are the platform for businesses for example Wix Weebly WordPress these type of companies if you are the website builder that they come to build their website on who has more
data about these companies than you nobody who has more data about these businesses than you so I gave you I'll give you an example because it might not seem that powerful I can't hear y'all through the screen you understand y'all can hear me but I can't hear y'all okay so check this out listen let's say that you've been trying desperately like you got a marketing agency and you've been trying desperately to get a plastic surgeon as a client you want to charge that plastic surgeon uh five to ten thousand dollars
a month to do their SEO and their social media marketing yay terrific right but you don't know how to get their real email you can't get them on the phone yeah you know I'm saying you got all these Gatekeepers and all of that extra bull crap right when you go to them when you go to them now what I did was and then I'm gonna get back on track right I'm gonna give you guys this and don't tell nobody I gave y'all this okay okay it ain't like yeah I know the people I know okay I'm going to show you guys
a few of them I'm just gonna give you a few of these that people actually go to on their own when they're starting business so I was like okay if I want local businesses to come to me because I'm all about positioning if I want local businesses to come to me so I can stop selling to them and all that crap then what should I position myself as okay instead of positioning myself as an advertising agency I can position myself as this this is the Better Business Bureau so when people Google Better Business
Bureau in their City local businesses sign up to the Better Business Bureau willingly because uh Better Business Bureau gives them Authority if you get the stamp of approval from the better Better Business Bureau then it says that your business is legit you're not a scam you get good reviews for you from your customers and all of that that's why when you go on these local business websites you see the stamp from the better A Better Business Bureau on there so if I position myself created like some type of page on my
site as like an alternative Better Business Bureau and I ranked for the keyword Better Business Bureau I literally brand jacked right now businesses will come into me pause you understand they they come to me you understand so when they sign up with me and all of that now I know what type of business they are I know their desires and all of that extra stuff so it's just about knowing your enemy no I'm just playing it's just about knowing them right okay so let me give you another one okay another one
that they don't have to be bribed to go to like they literally go to this on their own watch this uh uh Jesus chat GPT man quit messing with me Mo what's going on with your partner what's happening okay so we're gonna put this in here all right so I set it out for my company to start ranking for the Chamber of commerces in the cities why because local businesses register there they just go there they don't feel no type of pressure of sales or something like that they congregate with each other they
meet they have these morning meetups and do all of this extra stuff so I position if I position and start ranking my sites for a Chamber of Commerce in each of these cities now all of these cities start flooding to me I mean now all of these different type of businesses start flooding to me and I can start collecting data now what does that mean guys come on man come on they coming into your theme park partner what does that mean you can monetize them super easy man okay you can monetize them super easy okay
now what I mean by that is okay I'll give you this if a company registers with the Better Business Bureau in the Chamber of Commerce chances are they're a new company if they're a new company chances are they might not have things oh oh things like what they might not have a POS system credit card readers payment processes that type of stuff and what does that mean for you well what does that mean how is that powerful what what David okay see your mind is still just thinking about the marketing I want
to get them as a marketing client I didn't I see all these YouTube videos I want them as a marketing Club check out man come on watch this if you become their payment processor you can get 50 of each of the transactions that go through that business for the long time okay so you get a piece of every sale and guess what it's painless to them if you approach them with marketing and all that stuff all they're thinking about is how much they got to come out of their pocket but if you just become their
credit card reader and every time somebody swipes on the website in person or whatever anytime somebody makes an order over the phone if whether it's a restaurant or whatever you get a piece of every last one so that's that's phase one you implement these painless things in order to monetize these businesses check this out if they get a business if they get if they put their business on your website they have to pay for hosting in the.
com don't they oh my oh snap oh now you provide the platform but they know that they need a.com and they buy it from you on top of that now you are their payment processor their credit card reader oh snap and you see all their deepest darkest desires because they're posting on their website all of the highlights about themselves meaning you know exactly what they really want to promote about themselves and you have direct contact to them because they came to you and signed up so you actually have their real email
address their real number versus if you had a found them some other way oh snap itch you understand what I'm saying like come on all right and we have all these other monetization methods so this this is yes Marcus he said yes Lord man yes Lord because listen this is money that's already moving they already want a business they already started their business and they're going to get a website whether you give them a website or not so you might as well be the website company the website builder okay and they're going to need a credit
card come on I need y'all to pay attention I need you to like open up and let's use a little bit of Common Sense what business doesn't accept payments they have to accept payments so if you can be the person that's like providing the payment processor for them that's automatic money and it's instant monetization instant money we'd be like oh David how how y'all's real how fast can I start making money well check this out if you contacted a restaurant right now and you offer them a free website
because you know that they're spending money with GoDaddy and all of this extra bull crap right and in exchange you're going to give them my perfect SEO game plan on top of that you're going to save them money from their credit card processor that they already currently have boom you didn't ask them for anything up front but if you pay attention you just got money from them you when you offered them that free website they still need the.
com so you get money from that every month okay and when you offer them the save money on their credit card reader their POS system they can switch over to it for free but every time a cell comes through you get paid that man okay all right I need you to wrap your head around this you some of you guys have connections already but let's say you don't even have connections but if you did like let's just let's say okay you have a person that you run into that owns five or seven different locations uh uh you know uh freaking restaurant or something
like that okay oh they switch over to your POS system credit card reader payment process and all that type of stuff right dude they were in business before you met them what does that mean the moment that they switched their systems over to you you don't even have to send that's what I'm trying to tell you guys when you're trying to sell marketing and all that crazy stuff okay that's cool but guess what leverage we're all about leverage watch this watch this when they switch their credit card
readers over to you the same day that they do they open shop and customers start walking in whether you refer them as customers or whether they were just gonna walk in anyway and they might you can tell them hey keep your marketer because the more people that come into that business the better because guess what the moment somebody orders a coffee the moment somebody orders a Bigfoot Domino's Pizza now the moment anybody orders anything from this person or this company you get a cut from that have you ever wondered why when you send somebody
a hundred bucks they only get 97 of it three dollars goes to the processor that's what I'm trying to tell you so you can literally reach out to businesses and tell them I'm not charging you nothing but I'ma help you and you're still getting paid and they don't even have to come out the out of pocket it's so much that I can show y'all you understand what I'm talking about okay so Raphael says cool uh uh I'm or been a writer too ranked number three uh rank three books in the top
best sellers on my country Brazil years ago got some books got four got some four books ready to sell but don't know but don't want to put them in any untrustworthy publisher hey sell them yourself I sell mine straight from the site you understand I mean you can leverage platforms like uh Kindle and all of that extra stuff but they got rules and stuff I'm I'm an Outlaw no I'm just playing okay Raphael says Publishers here or hell would rather sell my own stuff if I can find some way you can find some way man
uh self-made said time to create your own platform for books and ebooks yes Lord hey check this out man remember because usually people will talk to you guys and and I don't want to consider anything unrealistic because wit

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