Zetetic.news Cast 41 LIVE w/ Special Guest Adam Green (Know More News) Call 1-855-877-5112

1 year ago

In Episode 41 of the Zetetic.news cast we will be joined by special guest Adam Green from https://knowmorenews.org to continue our discussion from episode 37 (Full video link: https://www.youtube.com/live/CFDe5c0hlkU?feature=share) which dealt primarily with what Adam calls the "Abrahamic deception" but did touch on ancillary topics such as the relationship between the religious power elite and sciences, academia, and history. We'll be kicking the show off highlighting a promotional bag of Skittles which cuts to the core of another massively unexcavated topic - the relationship between the religious power elites and the existence of tribalism such as is manifested in this particular bag of Skittles. You'll have to tune in 9pm EST for the livestream to see what we mean!


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