Dr. Joseph Dituri, Ph.D. - Project NEPTUNE 100 - Underwater Research, Exploration & Preservation

1 year ago

Dr. Joseph Dituri, Ph.D., DMT, CDR - US Navy (ret) is a retired Navy Diving Saturation Officer, who after 28 years of service to the U.S., went back to school to earn a PhD in Biomedical Engineering ( https://drdeepsea.com/ ) from the University of South Florida, with the goal of performing research in the field of hyperbaric medicine ( https://underseaoxygenclinic.com/ ), to address not just diving related maladies, but also for the development of breakthrough treatments in the areas of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), as well as the related symptoms of PTSD, depression, and long-term mental and physical impairments.

Dr. Dituri is the author of numerous diver-training manuals, a co-author of the book “Tao of Survival Underwater”, a contributing author to Hyperbaric Medical Practice (4th edition) and the Navy Diving Manual.

Dr. Dituri has been published in several journals including those by the American Society of Naval Engineers and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

As a Director of the International Board of Undersea Medicine, and in partnership with the Marine Resources Development Foundation Marine Lab, Dr. Dituri has just embarked on a fascinating 100-day adventure in the Jules Undersea Lodge in Key Largo, FL. Called the Neptune 100 Day Undersea Mission, the work Dr. Dituri is undertaking will further medical research, ocean conservation, and technical development.

Dr. Dituri also has a recently released novel entitled "Secrets in Depth".

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