FOX NEWS, Tucker Carlson, and the Price of INTEGRITY

1 year ago

#tuckercarlson #DOMINIONLAWSUIT #trump

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yes as I predicted he just wanted to mention this as a predicted got a bunch of unsubscribes yesterday uh you you can't it turns out criticize uh takakosan or Fox News without getting real retribution there you go it's it's the price of Integrity so I thought I'd I'd start out right off the bat with criticizing Tucker Carlson and just in case I miss anybody and Donald Trump so so we'll do them both and just get rid of just get rid of them right you just get around yeah but you know what says they can only unsubscribe once
that is true but I seem to get constantly new subscribers who sometimes somehow think that I'm gonna tow the putty line when it comes to Republican nonsense all right so um you know this Dominion lawsuit against Fox with regard to uh defamation um is just a gift that keeps on giving I mean if you've read anything from the Dominion lawsuit it is just unbelievable in terms of revealing Fox uh for what these people really are and and how they manage uh you know it truly is stunning it truly is stunning anyway uh Tuesday
we got a whole bunch of new documents uh released uh as part of the lawsuit uh including um more documents about taka and more documents from um more texts from taka and more stuff from Richard Murdoch and the CEO Suzanne Scott now you know I can't go over all of this but because there's so much there and it's so but a lot of it is Juicy if you're interested you can just look up uh the Dominion lawsuits and and go look at the documents and there's a there's a lot of fun stuff but just just a few things
um you know as the election was winding down as the election was over about two months after the election it was clear at Fox to pretty much everybody that Donald Trump had lost um there was a certain um certain relief uh among among the fox that he is gone so uh this is tekker Carlson in a tweet on January 4th 2021 two days before the January 6th uh he wrote we are very very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights I truly can't wait and then in a follow-up tweet in the same conversation I hate him passionately
now just reset a second we're talking about Tucker Carlson here this is what Tucker Carlson said about Donald Trump I truly can't wait basically to ignore Trump most nights and then I hate him passionately and then uh with regard to to Trump's four-year record with regard to his presidency this is what takosan had to say quote we're all pretending we've got a lot to show for it because admitting what a disaster it's being is too tough to digest but come on there really isn't an upside to Trump
um it's Murdoch uh you know in testimony said they knew they basically he he said they knew Trump had lost um and he knew Trump had lost and everybody really knew Trump had lost um and uh you know uh Laura Ingram was was angry at the channel for continuing to play up uh Sydney Powell and the whole pro-trump angle I mean this is Laura Ingram it really is um you know unbelievable how negative all these people were how Negative they were with regard of trump and and and how uh Negative they were with a lot of Trump's
presidency and his legacy and yet they don't say this on air they never say this on air um they and and now when obviously Trump's Bank Trump has survived I thought I think what they thought was Trump was finished after that election I think most of us hoped that would happen but now that he's back back to sucking up to him back to pretending he is God's gift to all of us back to pretending he's the best and the greatest I mean it was just I just read a story as activities I mean uh they're back to editing him to
make him look good so for example uh I think it was last night uh Donald Trump did an interview with Hannity uh you know in which he said um you know there would be no war um and I would have negotiated I would negotiate a do a Putin there would be no war uh this is all because of Biden and and part of that he said um quote that's without even negotiating a deal I could have negotiated at worse I could have I could have made a deal to take over something for for the Russia to take over something there are certain
areas that a Russian speaking areas frankly but you could have worked the deal in other words Trump is saying here yeah I would have worked the deal with with uh Putin would have given him some of Ukraine in exchange for peace all right I mean there are a lot of people who believe that but um we don't want to make Trump look bad in other words we don't want to make Trump you know look weak as negotiating a deal and giving something to Putin so later that night this is last night I think uh Hannity played excerpt from his
exclusive interview with Trump on his prime type Fox news program the the original is on the radio show so the whole thing was played on the radio show because it was live um and he and he highlighted he did highlights of his interview and in the highlight of the interview he basically edited out the part where Trump says uh parts of it speak Russian and I you know I'd give Putin that um it basically goes I could have negotiated and then it skips 30 seconds and it goes to something about China still covering his ass
still you know playing games to try to make him look as appealing as possible for the Republican base for the fox viewers still wanting to make sure they don't make looking bad and hood and hurt their own ratings uh I mean this is this is this is your some of you anyway some of your uh News Network thank you for listening or watching the Iran Brook show if you'd like to support the show we make it as easy as possible for you to trade with me you get value from listening you get value from watching show your appreciation you can do that
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