RBH 7 National: 9 Tornadoes, Chemical Attack, Biden is the Cancer

1 year ago


Holly weird

Laurie Metcalf from the conners can't find work anymore she says Roseanne did it to her, Ben Stiller defends Robert Downey jr blackface in Tropic Thunder, audience gasps after the views Joy Behar implies Trump voting ohioans to blame for toxic train spill.

Yeah I think the most significant headline out of this section is Ben Stiller stepping up and defending Robert Downey junior's blackface role in Tropic Thunder. It falls in line with the notion of not judging the past through the lens of the present. What was socially acceptable at one point in time is almost definitely not going to be socially acceptable or considered normal for another period of time.

It is plainly idiotic to walk around examining the past and judging people's actions or more importantly people's words through a filter based on future perspectives. It seems that everything is racist through this future lens looking back at the past, if not racist then it's definitely sexist. If it's not racist or sexist it's definitely close minded or uninformed, how dare they not be psychic and clairvoyant channeling an unknown woke future. The only solution is to destroy any record of such offensive actions ever occurring, or wait, maybe we shouldn't do that because that's how we learn and evolve as a society, yeah maybe that.

National happenings

9 tornadoes reported February 28th, massive Google layoffs even some robots, disantis strips Disney control of reedy Creek, nurse says being white doesn't make you racist and gets suspended, Inflation and taxes are an assault on the American people, John Elway says you're fired if you kneel on his field, electric cars cost more to insure, Liberal Princeton campus pushing freethinkers to the right, Daily colors damaged the transient of American kids documentary.

I think the most significant tidbit in this section is the documentary by the Daily Caller about damaged American kids after going through the whole trans agenda. It's one thing to support and embrace changes in youth that occur naturally, it's an entirely different circumstance to create an environment that might confuse or manipulate an impressionable young human into embarking on a path that impacts future possibilities in their life.

The hormone therapy alone can have a serious impact on development and ability to procreate. But this gets taken a step further when kids are manipulated into going under the knife, assured that it will make them feel normal if they are insecure. No one can know that feeling insecure as a teenager is natural, a fundamental part of life growing up or it used to be. This is not to say that we can't be sensitive to people who are or feel different, just that perhaps there are other ways to be supportive or inclusive That would allow them to make life altering decisions with the clarity found in maturity.

National infrastructure

Offshore winds blamed for whale deaths, more than half a dozen trains have derailed in the US this year, rail boss tells train crew to skip inspections leaked audio, Biden has given us cancer Ohio residents report deadly health issues after chemical attack.

This section is a little different; most of it falls in a stream of the same category, so we'll just choose the railroad stream because it seems dominant. I was watching a podcast who is talking about the ridiculous statistics behind how many trains have been derailed in our country so far this year, I forget the exact numbers but it was basically a snowball chance in hell of it being a natural occurrence or just something that was bound to happen something that happens in a normal similar frequency. 12 derailments in just two months does seem excessive, is it a coincidence? Is there anything to the leaked audio reporting that safety inspections of the bearings were purposely skipped? Another podcast I heard mentioned that the chemicals spilled in Ohio are also used in creating munitions, aside from being an incident that provokes fear could it be part of an anti ammo or gun agenda as well? Things to think about With the news overload we all experience in today's climate.

National crime
6 year old abused on school bus, Marilyn mayor resigns day before being arrested on 56 child **** charges, cartel gunmen kidnap and kill a prominent Mexican border state rancher.

These are the kind of stories that make most of us feel uncomfortable, I know I do, I feel reluctant to even talk about them. But stuff like this happens and if we don't have the courage to at least acknowledge existence and shine a light on it, then that perpetuates this kind of behavior. There's only a few stories so it's worth discussing them all, they all deserve recognition. One thing mentioned in the cartel border article is that brave journalists cover the activities of the cartels at serious risk of personal peril, hats off to these brave individuals. The state of our border is allowing the cartels to move into our country. Will our journalists have to fear for their life by covering the resulting horror and terror of this occupation, or is this something they are already experiencing?

It turns out that the Maryland mayor arrested on the 56 counts of child **** is also close friends with Pete Buttigieg. Imagine that, what a coincidence, the moral fiber of this crowd is just astounding. I guess they buddied up when they were both mayors back when he was just pothole Pete before ascending to the transportation secretary position.
The Aldine school bus abuse story has to be the saddest of the bunch though, the whole time the six year old kid was being abused in the back of the bus the bus driver thought they were just fighting. As we saw in the video the mother claimed that the kid wasn't even old enough to really process what had happened to him. Makes you wonder what the other kids in adjacent seats were doing, how come none of them condoned the action, reported it or got loud and made a scene. I guess it falls in line with some of the other horrible examples found in social psychology where having a crowd of people can make individuals less likely to step forward and say something if no one else does.

National Politics
Lori Lightfoot suffers landslide reelection loss because America is racist, senator Dianne Feinstein hospitalized with shingles will not run for reelection, fetterman health cover up Chief of staff can't answer how Fetterman sponsors bills while in psych word, John Fetterman's chief of staff Adam gentle son made comments about president trump's mental fitness, Ted Cruz grills on Merrick Garland come hunter biden's top lawyer resigns president Biden has skin cancer removed from chest and representative Ronnie Jackson says that Biden is the cancer and he needs to be removed.

I can notice in this section is a trend of unwellness in the Democratic Party, it seems like a lot of these people just are not physically fit to serve. And like Ronnie Jackson said Biden and his ilk do seem to be the growths we as a nation need to look into getting removed, before the case becomes terminal. You could call it a false bill of sale, each one of these individuals during the election cycle was given a cash bath and media treatment to make them seem viable, capable and in some cases even desirable. Albeit takes a certain kind of taste 2 produce that breed of desire.

I actually appreciate all of them, Brandon especially. If not for their blatant corruption, dripping with ineptitude And false Pride riddled arrogance The pulse of the nation would not be where it is today. Trust in media is at record lows, as is trust in government, as is trust in just about every three letter agency you might be able to name off the top of your head. I think this degradation of public trust is necessary, also that a painful bout of collective understanding will inevitably manifest as a result. Maybe the only way to fix stupid is to put it on a pedestal and focus every camera and every microphone on every stupid thing it does and says.

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