WARNING : "If You swear or use abusive words then..." ( watch this now!! )

1 year ago

Dr Joe Dispenza (2020) - WARNING : "If You swear or use abusive words then..."

First of all we need to understand why do we consider some specific words good and others to be bad? Can actually a word be considered to be bad ?anamologically speaking according today the definition from Oxford languages, through the history of words, the word “bad” originated in the old English from the word “Baeddil”originally used for effeminate or feminine men. Then by the use of the creative side of our brains,humans developed new words to disrespect, insult, Objectify, and humiliate other people. The use of such words began to increase to be used in conversations more from the year 1986 to 2016. 80% of which were the same repeated words. The most vastly used of them were majorly the four letter F and S word originated to be used from the bedroom and toilets in our society.
These words have been used extensively how to insult someone or emphasize an emotion, to demonstrate how one feels extensively at that point of time. According to Timothy Jay, a professor of psychology at Massachusetts college of Liberal Arts and renowned expert on cursing, the estimates from decades of research shows that 0.5% our total vocabulary that we use in our daily life comprises of swear words and abusive words.

You can find more of Dr. Joe Dispenza's work here:

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