Get out of the apostate dead churches now!!

1 year ago

Those who truly follow Jesus do not need to go to a dead church building with dead people inside, get out of the churches now or be swept away with the swine, God will destroy all the apostate churches that are so wicked, dead and full of demons inside, churches now cater to the naked ugly sinful gays lesbians trans sodomites and sexual immorality sinners, they reject the Bible, they support rock band music, they support abuse, they support abortion, Ukraine, black kill murderers, they support the vaccines and masks and support all faiths, Jesus did not say all faiths go to heaven nope and they do not, Muhammad of the Muslim death cult died and still is dead, Joseph Smith had 37 wives, was a freemason, a murderer, adulterer, in the occult and false prophet and he is still dead, Charles Russell of the Jehovah witness cult is dead, Buddha is Dead, Shintoism is, Hinduism is, the Catholic wicked popes are dead, all these false religions the leaders died and still are dead, but not Jesus, He died on Wednesday and rose on Saturday and still is alive, He will return with all His angels and those who were raptured and every eye will see Him, He will destroy all the wicked and that includes those who give out the vaccines and gets them, they will all be killed with Jesus sword and will be in the lake of fire with Satan, the antichrist, false prophet and all the fallen angels and lost unsaved sinners to, Jesus is very angry and He is coming in wrath and fierce anger!! He will destroy all those who are against Him and will not be nice about it, there are no excuses when you get judged by God, He will say I gave you my word, my son, I sent people to tell you about Me but you mocked me, used my name in vain and said you can do whatever you want without me there are no more chances for you!! The door for salvation is shut and you will go into the lake of fire for I never knew you!! Depart from Me you worker of inquinity!! You want to be on God bad side don't follow Jesus, you are still lost anyway and a sinner in God eyes and His wrath is on you and so is the great white throne judgement! Oh it will happen if you like it or not, God will judge everyone who rejected Jesus and it will be the last final judgement and set in stone!! Once the bride and Holy Spirit leave then it is the tribulation period and God will pour out His tribulation judgements on the entire world and wrath and He will be so very angry and will unleash His hot anger for 7 years long!!

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