The lukewarm phony church going crowd and pastors are in trouble

1 year ago

Jesus hates the lukewarm phony church going crowd and pastors and will spit them all out of His mouth!! He hates the churches now and if He was on earth He would turn tables over and rip the ugly gay sex sodomite whore flag down and scream My house shall be called a house of prayer but you turned it into a den of thieves!! Jesus did not sit with the self righteous religious crowd in His day and still doesn't, He passes by all the churches with the well dressed self righteous church going crowd inside that doesn't need Him at all, they have their pastors, their church membership, their pagan holidays, their program and love it like that, they care more about tradition and a program and do not want God to mess it up, no no Jesus we do not want you to change our traditions we love it like it is, no we do not need to help those outside they will mess up our church or we accept all faiths and accept gays, lesbians, trans, abortion murderers, support Ukraine, black kill murderers, we reject the Bible, do not tell people to repent we don't want to offend anyone at all, and if anyone offends us we will have them removed, the apostate lukewarm phony churches, pastors and lost members inside are in Big trouble with God, He will not let the false prophets in these dead rotten churches get away with anything!! Nope they will answer to God and He will crush all the dead rotten churches and people inside, all the lukewarm phony church going crowd and pastors will all be left behind, not one of them will be taken to be with Jesus in the rapture, nope He doesn't know them at all and doesn't want a whore that acts like the world in heaven at all, going to church does nothing at all, it doesn't get you to heaven at all, many people who go to church but never accepted Jesus end up in hell, there will be many lost self righteous church going crowd and pastors at the great white throne judgement, they put all their trust in a building, church membership, were a Catholic or whatever church they went to, went on mission trips, gave money to a building, went to Christian colleges and schools and did all this stuff but forgot to ask Jesus into their life, He will say I never knew you depart from Me to many people, churches now are dead and Satan is going inside these rotten dead churches and loves it, get out of the lukewarm phony dead churches now!!! God is ready to burn these rotten churches down and throw all the selfish rotten people inside out, He will make the pastors pay, they have a harsher judgement then those who lived in north Korea and never heard about God ever, God is not fooled at all by the so called pastors and church going crowd, He hates it and no lukewarm in heaven at all, you are for Jesus or the antichrist!! Games are over people!!

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