Indian Military AI Come with dire risk #india #indianmilitary #ai #artificialintelligence

1 year ago

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India and the United States have announced a series of ambitious technological initiatives aimed at strengthening their partnerships in space and emerging technologies. The collaboration, which includes joint research and development of quantum technology, artificial intelligence, 5G technology, semiconductors and weapons production, is part of the Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology, which aims to counter China's dominance in these fields.

Jake Sullivan, the US national security adviser, and his Indian counterpart Ajit Doval recently met in Washington to discuss these initiatives. While the partnership is expected to have a long-lasting impact on the strategic stability of the Global South, it is likely to help India maintain strategic stability with China. However, there are concerns that these initiatives could increase the risk of accidents and miscalculations between India and Pakistan, two nuclear-armed neighbours.

Quantum technology, although at an early stage of development, has the potential to disrupt defence capabilities. Quantum computers could potentially make current encryption useless, while quantum sensors could disrupt an army's second-strike capability. In 2021, the Indian Army announced the establishment of a quantum laboratory at the Military College of Telecommunication Engineering to develop secure communication.

Artificial intelligence is another area where India and the US can cooperate. AI is a dual-use technology that has the potential to reshape strategic stability in the region. While it could benefit India in many ways, its application in the military domain could have significant consequences.

The Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology is the latest move by the US to counter China's dominance in emerging technologies. The collaboration between India and the US is expected to accelerate technological innovation and strengthen their strategic partnerships. However, the impact of this initiative on the region's strategic stability cannot be ignored, particularly with regards to India's relationship with Pakistan.

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