34 Automatic Logic-Cased Smart Contracts (note)💎#shorts #taunet #logicbased #smartcontracts

1 year ago

Automatic Logic-based smart contracts.


Different from other smart contracts because

(1) Users may query any contract and receive accurate answers about it, like “what it will entail”, or “will it achieve X”, even before it is run.

(2) In other blockchains, the client Is code and the smart contracts are code. Our software specification approach applies to both the client and smart contracts.

(3) No other smart contract allows for KRR in this form.

#AutomaticLogicBasedSmartContracts #SmartContracts #Blockchain #KRR #FutureOfBlockchain #AccurateInfo #SmartContractExperience #SoftwareSpecification #JoinTheFuture #QueryContracts #ClientAndSmartContracts #RevolutionizeBlockchainTechnology

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