Passing on the Light | The Primeval Wisdom - Teaching

1 year ago

In this thought-provoking video, we explore the concept of occultism and its relation to the fountain-source of wisdom, which is the spiritual heart of the world. From this source of inspiration and enlightenment, great sages and teachers emerge as guides and instructors of humanity. The video delves into the history of occultism and how different cultures and regions have interpreted and practiced it, including the schools of the Greeks, Persians, Egyptians, and the Americas. It also touches on the existence of esoteric teachings in archaic Mystery schools and their relevance in today's world. Join us as we dive deep into the realm of occultism and uncover the truth behind this mystical tradition.

Purucker, G. de. (1974). Fountain-Source of Occultism. Theosophical University Press.

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