First ever appology in Canada for the useless COVID vaccine mandates.

1 year ago

Town councillor Anne Tessier in West Nippising Ontario (Sturgeon Falls area),
issues an appology to residents for the vaccine mandate policy that was previously put into effect.

It is not the lifting of a jab mandate that is newsworthy. Instead, what is fascinating is that the municipality admitted that the mandate was implemented despite knowing that vaccination was proven to not stop the spread of COVID-19.

After the municipality announced the official end to their policy near the end of the January 3 meeting, Councillor Anne Tessier said that the “municipal Council was well aware” that vaccination did not stop the spread, which was the entire point of the policy.

“I believe that this policy was mistakenly adopted,” she said. She went on to say that the relevant data showing that vaccination would not stop the spread was submitted to the Council in January 2022.

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