Power is perceived!

5 years ago

Trying to win your Ex back? Need dating help? Visit: https://www.TheLoveChat.net/coaching

A HUGE thank you to all my patrons!

In this episode Rory (The Love Chat) discusses how power dynamics in relationships are often perceived rather than actual! When your EX breaks up with you it feels as though your EX has all the power. In reality your EX only has the power you GIVE them! This is no different in dating situations! I hope you enjoy this one!

This is a bonus episode originally created as an exclusive for my patrons over at Patreon! If you liked this episode and want to see more like it considering becoming a patron: www.patreon.com/thelovechat

What does the dumper go through?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzU5iKRmIRE&t
What is my Ex thinking about during No Contact?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tXMWOrBP8g
Time is everything when winning your Ex back!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBoUbOWoyVI&t=
Will I ever hear from my Ex again?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nx9dR1ykWIU&t
How to make your Ex regret dumping you!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pk5F9hVwooI&t

➢ Coaching Sale! Visit: https://www.TheLoveChat.net/Coaching

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