Know Your Enemy part 1-77 Full HD By The Fuel Project

1 year ago

The name Babylon occurs in the Bible almost three-hundred times. The majority of those references are in the Old Testament - and with good reason. It was the first great city of the world. However, Babylon is much more than this. The Bible clearly and intriguingly states that "Mystery Babylon" is also the source of all abominations of the Earth (Rev. 17:5) – a fountainhead of evil that began flowing through history thousands of years ago and which profoundly impacts the world today…in ways many don't realise. Indeed, Revelation tells us that “Mystery Babylon” will survive until the end of time when God finally judges it with terminal violence.

This series is a walk-through history that follows the threads, exposes the idolatry, the symbolism and thought-processes that originated in Babylon. We discover its influence in all false religion, astrology, freemasonry, world-famous landmarks, the theory of evolution, philosophy, the United Nations, the European Union and much more. We discover that ever since God scattered the Babylonians from the Tower of Babel back in Genesis 11, it has been Satan's intention to reverse the process and bring the whole world back together again under a single world system, ruled by the Antichrist. Above all we learn how to recognise our enemy so that we will not be deceived and instead live with faith, hope, love and courage in the face of Babylon’s demonic schemes.

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