Turning Tide

1 year ago

Just want to clarify something. There are several channels that break down things, and there are channels that deep dive certain subjects. And then there channels like mine. My Intention's are to provoke thought, to inspire curiosity, and to plant seeds. Along with bringing people together who relate/resonate with what I am putting out. If you are looking for proof you will have to pay your dues like everyone. Because, the proof only becomes visible once you have shed the programming. Once you have broke through the mind control, and overcome your own ego, then and only then can you see the proof. As many know the proof is literally everywhere. And those whose eyes are truly open understand this. So if you are still clinging to Trump saving us, in fact if you are in any way participating in elections, if you still think one side is better than the other, if you still believe there are 2 sides, you are not fully awake. If you believe ANYTHING without questioning everything, and if you think you know something, think again.
Stop looking for "proof". The truth is simple. It leaves no questions. And for God sake stop asking for proof. When you ask real questions .... ACCEPT the answer. From there you attempt to clarify that answer. Come to your own conclusion. Stop demanding people to convince you.
The only thing I am committed to do is keep my promise to bring you the truth as i find it. How a person chooses to take that is on them. The whole point is to inspire the desire to look further.

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