AGENDA 2030-2050 The Truth The Great Reset

1 year ago

Why our population has to decrease
According to the infamous conspiracy theory, there is a plan for mass extermination of more than half the global population. The reason is the decrease of global resources over time. This imposes not only the need to hold down the population rate but the drastic decrease of the already existing global population. This will allow the “global elite” to use the scarce goods of Earth and live long and luxuriant lives, say, eternally even – according to other conspiracies.
How we will get to that point is a question that has gathered multiple various answers over the years, and the most popular one currently is the Covid-19 pandemic.
The conspiracy theory about the drastic population decrease on Earth is overseen by a couple of big villains.

The most famous one currently suspected of concocting plans for mass extermination is Bill Gates. Bill and (his now ex-wife) Melinda Gates Foundation has been investing in centers for reproductive health in developing communities for years. In the last few years, the foundation has invested over 300 million dollars in the fight against Covid-19, most importantly in developing vaccines against it. Work on vaccination programs is not anything new for the Gates family – the development and supply of vaccines against many and different illnesses in Third World countries is part of the agenda for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

What, then, makes people think that Bill Gates would want to destroy a huge part of humanity? In 2010, Gates held a lecture for the popular platform TED Talks. The topic was decreasing harmful emissions in the climate. There, Gates said: “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent”.
This statement, taken out of context, is a catalyst for hundreds of social media publications accusing Bill Gates of “crimes against humanity”. What he meant was not to decrease the population by 10-15%, but to limit it to 9 billion, which he had mentioned. Vaccines are mentioned only as a way to achieve this, not as a tool for mass destruction, which will infuse poisonous substances into the human body. Better accessibility to vaccines in children early age drastically decreases infant mortality rates, which leads to a smaller number of children in a family. Together with the decreasing poverty rates, access to vaccines is the main factor for lower infant mortality rates, which brings people to choose to have less children, since they don’t need more kids for additional labor or as a “guarantee against child death”, says Hans Rosling in his book “Factfulness” – Rosling is one of the most prominent experts on issues about development and international health care.
The UN is wrongly accused of a plot for mass extermination as well. Why did the organization deserve such accusations when it was only designed to provide better lives to the global population? Ironically, that’s exactly why.

In 1992, the UN introduced “Plan 2021” – a non-binding contract, where the Sustainable Development Goals, set to be achieved in 2021, are laid down. In 2000, the so-called Millennium Goals were set to be realized in 2015. After it was made clear that it is impossible to solve global problems in such a short period, the “Plan 2030” was created to meet these goals. Among the 17 goals of sustainable development were: ending world hunger and gender inequality, lowering poverty rates, and stopping climate change and loss of biodiversity.
What is the issue with that? According to the believers of the global extermination conspiracy theory, “Plan 2021”, along with “Plan 2030”, both hide the UN’s true intentions – to drastically lower down Earth’s population. “Plan 2021” includes the issues of the progressive increase of the global population, along with the unsustainable models of consumption, which put our planet under serious stress. Nowhere in the document is there a plan for decreasing the population. In “Plan 2030” there is not one mention included on the topic.

Such beliefs stem from violent attitudes that the conspiracy believers hold towards the UN, ever since the theory for the “New World Order” from the 1960s. According to this theory, the UN is spearheading the plan for subduing the entire population under the control of one collective global government. For that to happen, though, and for the elite to stay affluent, it needs to do without the bigger part of the “ordinary folk” on the planet. This, according to the conspiracy theorists, can be found in the “Plan 2021” and “Plan 2030” documents.
The last suspect, and the one mostly connected to the theory of the pandemic being a weapon for mass destruction, is the chair of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab.

Months after the beginning of the pandemic, in June 2020, the discussion at the World Economic Forum was “The Great Reset”. The idea was this – to limit consumption in society worldwide, to work towards resolving the climate crisis, and all the rest inequalities on a national level. According to Klaus Schwab, the crisis gave the world a perfect opportunity to take on a new path, since it drastically changed the way most people used to live. In his speech, Schwab said that people will understand that they don’t need material goods to achieve happiness.
Naturally, the call for decreasing consumerism led to the birth of another conspiracy. “The Great Reset” – the global elite will limit citizens’ freedom (as it did with the coronavirus measures) and through the use of vaccines exterminate Earth’s population, until there is no one left except the so-called “Golden billion” – the most privileged people in the world, who can live affluently on the expense of the ordinary man. This theory is intertwined with the old and well-known theory of the New World Order – this time dressed as the current greatest fear globally – Covid-19.

At the end of November 2020, this conspiracy theory gained popularity again and turned into a trend on Twitter with over 80 000 publications on the topic. This time, the reason was a speech by the Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau during a UN summit. In his speech, he called the pandemic an “opportunity” for resetting people’s worldview globally.

On Jan. 15 this year, Prof. Ivo Hristov commented on “the Great Reset” in a BNT talk show hosted by Georgi Lyubenov. Prof. Hristov called Klaus Schwab “the voice of the international political backdrop” and summarized the so-called “Great Reset” theories, which Schwab expands on in a book, as well. It was published after the World Economic Forum in 2020, and he stressed on the way everything could change without us actually having to change anything, where we’ll stay on top, and the rest of the world will be down below.
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